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Export interface, data type, and platform-specific definitions from Architectural Data section of data dictionary

Since R2022b


exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping) exports the content from a data dictionary mapped to the AUTOSAR Classic Platform to ARXML files and RTE stub header files. This operation creates a folder in the current folder that contains the output files.



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To export the AUTOSAR content of the data dictionary to ARXML and header files, use the exportDictionary function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see Configure AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in Data Dictionary.

Create or open a data dictionary and export the interface and data type definitions.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic");
exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping)
Exporting dictionary, please wait...
Exported dictionary ARXML files are located in: C:\Users\myName\MyInterfaces.

exportedFolder =

View output folder.


Input Arguments

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Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object.

Output Arguments

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Full path of the folder containing the exported files from the data dictionary, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

Exported files contained in exportedFolder include ARXML files, which are named dictionaryname_datatypes.arxml and dictionaryname_interfaces.arxml, where dictionaryname is the name of the data dictionary, and a stub folder containing RTE header files. If the files already exist, exportDictionary overwrites them.

Example: 'arxmlFolder'

Version History

Introduced in R2022b