Protein Property Analysis
You can use a collection of protein analysis methods to extract information from your
data. You can determine protein characteristics and simulate enzyme cleavage reactions.
The toolbox provides functions to calculate various properties of a protein sequence,
such as the atomic composition (atomiccomp
), molecular weight (molweight
), and isoelectric point (isoelectric
). You can cleave a
protein with an enzyme (cleave
, rebasecuts
) and create distance and Ramachandran plots for PDB data
, ramachandran
). The toolbox
contains a graphical user interface for protein analysis (proteinplot
) and plotting 3-D
protein and other molecular structures with information from molecule model files, such
as PDB files.
Amino acid sequence utilities —
Calculate amino acid statistics for a sequence (aacount
) and get information about character
codes (aminolookup