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MISRA C:2012 Rule 19.1

An object shall not be assigned or copied to an overlapping object


Rule Definition

An object shall not be assigned or copied to an overlapping object.


When you assign an object to another object with overlapping memory, the behavior is undefined. The exceptions are:

  • You assign an object to another object with exactly overlapping memory and compatible type.

  • You copy one object to another using memmove.

Additional Message in Report

  • An object shall not be assigned or copied to an overlapping object.

  • Destination and source of XX overlap, the behavior is undefined.


If you expect a rule violation but do not see it, refer to Diagnose Why Coding Standard Violations Do Not Appear as Expected.


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void func (void) {
    union {
        short i;
        int j;
    } a = {0}, b = {1};
    a.j = a.i;   /* Non-compliant */
    a = b;       /* Compliant */

In this example, the rule is violated when a.i is assigned to a.j because the two variables have overlapping regions of memory.

#include <string.h>

int arr[10];

void func(void) {
    memcpy (&arr[5], &arr[4], 2u * sizeof(arr[0]));    /* Non-compliant */
    memcpy (&arr[5], &arr[4], sizeof(arr[0]));         /* Compliant */
    memcpy (&arr[1], &arr[4], 2u * sizeof(arr[0]));    /* Compliant */

In this example, memory equal to twice sizeof(arr[0]) is the memory space taken up by two array elements. If that memory space begins from &a[4] and &a[5], the two memory regions overlap. The rule is violated when the memcpy function is used to copy the contents of these two overlapping memory regions.

typedef struct
    char init_string[21];
    char new_string[101];
} string_aggr;

string_aggr my_string_aggr;

void copy()
    strncpy(&my_string_aggr.new_string[0], /* Non-compliant */
            &my_string_aggr.init_string[0], 100U);  

In this example, the member init_string of the aggregate structure my_string_aggr consists of 21 characters. But, more than 21 characters of this member are copied to the adjoining member new_string, resulting in an overlapping copy.

Check Information

Group: Overlapping Storage
Category: Mandatory
AGC Category: Mandatory

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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