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Other Checks

Checks on standard library function usage, pointer casts and assert statements

Polyspace® Code Prover™ can check for run-time errors specific to certain C/C++ libraries, such as:

  • Domain errors when using Standard Library math functions.

  • Exceeding design ranges when using AUTOSAR Run Time Environment or RTE functions.

Polyspace Results

AUTOSAR runnable not implementedFunction implementing AUTOSAR runnable is not found
Correctness conditionMismatch occurs during pointer cast or function pointer use
Invalid result of AUTOSAR runnable implementationReturn value or output arguments violate AUTOSAR specifications
Invalid use of AUTOSAR runtime environment functionRTE function argument violates AUTOSAR specifications
Invalid use of standard library routineStandard library function is called with invalid arguments
Non-compliance with AUTOSAR specificationRTE API function is used with arguments that violate the AUTOSAR standard specification (Since R2021a)
User assertionassert statement fails
Input/Output of model reference out of specified rangeInput or output of generated code from model reference outside of range specified in model


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