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Demodulation using OQPSK method


The comm.OQPSKDemodulator object applies pulse shape filtering to the input waveform and demodulates it using the offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) method. For more information, see Pulse Shaping Filter. The input is a baseband representation of the modulated signal.

For information about delays incurred by modulator-demodulator pair processing, see Modulation Delays.

To demodulate a signal that is OQPSK modulated:

  1. Create the comm.OQPSKDemodulator object and set its properties.

  2. Call the object with arguments, as if it were a function.

To learn more about how System objects work, see What Are System Objects?



oqpskdemod = comm.OQPSKDemodulator creates a demodulator System object™. This object can jointly match-filter and decimate a waveform, and demodulate it using the offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) method.

oqpskdemod = comm.OQPSKDemodulator(mod) creates a demodulator System object with symmetric configuration to the OQPSK modulator object, mod. If the modulator object is an IIR filter (PulseShape='Custom' and FilterDenominator is not a scalar), then the demodulator is a Integrate and Dump (I&D) filter where PulseShape='Custom' and FilterNominator=1.

oqpskdemod = comm.OQPSKDemodulator(Name,Value) sets properties using one or more name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in single quotes.

Example: comm.OQPSKDemodulator('BitOutput',true)


oqpskdemod = comm.OQPSKDemodulator(phase,Name,Value) sets the PhaseOffset property of the created object to phase and sets any other specified Name, Value pairs.

Example: comm.OQPSKDemodulator(0.5*pi,'SamplesPerSymbol',2)


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Unless otherwise indicated, properties are nontunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.

If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.

For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.

Phase offset from π/4, specified as a scalar in radians. The phase offset is applied to the zeroth point of the signal constellation before delay of quadrature component. After the OQPSK imaginary-component delay the signal is normalized with unity power.

Example: 'PhaseOffset',pi/4 aligns the zeroth point of the QPSK signal constellation point on the axes, {(1,0), (0,j), (-1,0), (0,-j)}.

Data Types: double

Option to output data as bits, specified as false or true.

  • When you set this property to false, the object outputs a column vector of integer values with a length equal to the number of demodulated symbols. The output values are integer representations of two bits and range from 0 to 3.

  • When you set this property to true, the object outputs a binary column vector of bit values. The output vector length is twice as long as the number of input symbols.

Data Types: logical

Signal constellation bit mapping, specified as 'Gray', 'Binary', or a custom 4-element numeric vector of integers with values from 0 to 3.

SettingConstellation Mapping for IntegersConstellation Mapping for BitsComment


Integer order Q1: 0, Q2: 1, Q3: 3, and Q4: 2

Bit order Q1: 00, Q2: 01, Q3: 11 and Q4: 10

The signal constellation mapping is Gray-encoded.


Integer order Q1: 0, Q2: 1, Q3: 2, and Q4: 3

Bit order Q1: 00, Q2: 01, Q3: 10 and Q4: 11

The signal constellation mapping for the input integer m (0 ≤ m ≤ 3) is the complex value e(j*(PhaseOffset+π/4) + j*2*π*m/4).

Custom 4-element numeric vector of integers with values from 0 to 3

Integer order Q1: a, Q2: b, Q3: c, and Q4: d

Bit order Q1: a, Q2: b, Q3: c, and Q4: d

Elements [a b c d] must be composed of the set of values [0, 1, 2, 3] in any order.

Data Types: char | double

Filtering pulse shape, specified as 'Half sine', 'Normal raised cosine' | 'Root raised cosine', or 'Custom'.

Data Types: char

Raised cosine filter rolloff factor, specified as a scalar from 0 to 1.


This property is enabled when PulseShape is 'Normal raised cosine' or 'Root raised cosine'.

Data Types: double

Filter length in symbols, specified as a scalar. An ideal raised cosine filter has an infinite impulse response. However, to realize a practical implementation of this filter, the object truncates the impulse response to FilterSpanInSymbols symbols.


This property is enabled when PulseShape is 'Normal raised cosine' or 'Root raised cosine'.

Data Types: double

FIR filter numerator, specified as a row vector.


This property is enabled when PulseShape is 'Custom'.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Number of samples per symbol, specified as a positive even integer.

Data Types: double

Data type assigned to output, specified as 'double', 'single', or 'uint8'.

Data Types: char



outsignal = oqpskdemod(waveform) returns the demodulated output signal. The object produces one output symbol for each input pulse.


Input Arguments

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Received waveform, specified as a complex scalar or column vector.

This object accepts variable-size inputs. After the object is locked, you can change the size of each input channel, but you cannot change the number of channels. For more information, see Variable-Size Signal Support with System Objects.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Output Arguments

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Demodulated signal, returned as an NS-element integer vector or bit vector, where NS is the number of samples.

The received waveform is pulse shaped according to the configuration properties PulseShape and SamplesPerSymbol. The setting of the BitOutput property determines the interpretation of the received waveform.

Data Types: double

Object Functions

To use an object function, specify the System object as the first input argument. For example, to release system resources of a System object named obj, use this syntax:


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constellationCalculate or plot ideal signal constellation

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stepRun System object algorithm
releaseRelease resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics
resetReset internal states of System object


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Create an OQPSK modulator and demodulator pair. Create an AWGN channel object having two bits per symbol.

oqpskmod = comm.OQPSKModulator('BitInput',true);
oqpskdemod = comm.OQPSKDemodulator('BitOutput',true);
channel = comm.AWGNChannel('EbNo',4,'BitsPerSymbol',2);

Create an error rate calculator. To account for the delay between the modulator and demodulator, set the ReceiveDelay property to 2.

errorRate = comm.ErrorRate('ReceiveDelay',2);

Process 300 frames of data looping through these steps.

  • Generate vectors with 100 elements of random binary data.

  • OQPSK-modulate the data. The data frames are processed as 50 sample frames of 2-bit binary data.

  • Pass the modulated data through the AWGN channel.

  • OQPSK-demodulate the data.

  • Collect error statistics on the frames of data.

for counter = 1:300
    txData = randi([0 1],100,1);
    modSig = oqpskmod(txData);
    rxSig = channel(modSig);
    rxData = oqpskdemod(rxSig);
    errorStats = errorRate(txData,rxData);

Display the error statistics.

ber = errorStats(1)
ber = 
numErrors = errorStats(2)
numErrors = 
numBits = errorStats(3)
numBits = 

Perform OQPSK modulation and demodulation and apply root raised cosine filtering to a waveform.

System initialization

Define simulation parameters and create objects for OQPSK modulation and demodulation.

sps = 12; % samples per symbol
bits = randi([0, 1], 800, 1); % transmission data

modulator = comm.OQPSKModulator( ...
    'BitInput',true, ...
    'SamplesPerSymbol',sps, ...
    'PulseShape','Root raised cosine');
demodulator = comm.OQPSKDemodulator(modulator);

Waveform transmission and reception

Use the modulator object to apply OQPSK modulation and transmit filtering to the input data.

oqpskWaveform = modulator(bits);

Pass the waveform through a channel.

snr = 0;
rxWaveform = awgn(oqpskWaveform,snr);

Use the demodulator object to apply receive filtering and OQPSK demodulation to the waveform.

demodData = demodulator(rxWaveform);

Compute the bit error rate to confirm the quality of the data recovery.

delay = (1+modulator.BitInput)*modulator.FilterSpanInSymbols;
[~, ber] = biterr(bits(1:end-delay), demodData(delay+1:end))
ber = 

Use the qamdemod function to simulate soft decision output for OQPSK-modulated signals.

Generate an OQPSK modulated signal.

sps = 4;
msg = randi([0 1],1000,1);
oqpskMod = comm.OQPSKModulator( ...
    SamplesPerSymbol=sps, ...
oqpskSig = oqpskMod(msg);

Add noise to the generated signal.

impairedSig = awgn(oqpskSig,15);

Perform Soft-Decision Demodulation

Create QPSK equivalent signal to align in-phase and quadrature.

impairedQPSK = complex( ...
    real(impairedSig(1+sps/2:end-sps/2)), ...

Apply matched filtering to the received OQPSK signal.

halfSinePulse = sin(0:pi/sps:(sps)*pi/sps);
matchedFilter = dsp.FIRDecimator(sps,halfSinePulse, ...
filteredQPSK = matchedFilter(impairedQPSK);

To perform soft demodulation of the filtered OQPSK signal use the qamdemod function. Align symbol mapping of qamdemod with the symbol mapping used by the comm.OQPSKModulator, then demodulate the signal.

oqpskModSymbolMapping = [1 3 0 2];
demodulated = qamdemod(filteredQPSK,4,oqpskModSymbolMapping, ...

Create a transmitter with the OQPSK Modulator.

bits = randi([0, 1], 800, 1);     % message signal
order = 6;       % CCSDS, TM
btProduct = 0.5; % CCSDS, TM
[num, denom] = butter(order, btProduct);
modulator = comm.OQPSKModulator('BitInput', true, PulseShape="Custom", ...
                         FilterNumerator=num, FilterDenominator=denom);
oqpskWaveform = modulator(bits);

Specify the channel properties.

snr = 10;
received = awgn(oqpskWaveform, snr);

Create a receiver with the OQPSK Demodulator.

demodulator = comm.OQPSKDemodulator(modulator); % FIR Integrate and Dump in Demod, for IIR pulses in Modulator
demodulated = demodulator(received);

Compute the BER.

delay = 1 + modulator.BitInput;
[~, ber] = biterr(bits(1:end-delay), demodulated(delay+1:end));
fprintf('Bit error rate: %f\n', ber);
Bit error rate: 0.051378

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Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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