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LDPC Decoder

Decode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code

  • LDPC Decoder block

Communications Toolbox / Error Detection and Correction / Block


The LDPC Decoder block uses the belief propagation algorithm to decode a binary LDPC code, which is input to the block as the soft-decision output (log-likelihood ratio of received bits) from demodulation. The block decodes generic binary LDPC codes where no patterns in the parity-check matrix are assumed. For more information, see Belief Propagation Decoding.

The input and output are discrete-time signals. The ratio of the output sample time to the input sample time is:

  • N/K when only the information-part of the codeword is decoded

  • 1 when the entire codeword is decoded

N is the length of the received signal and must be in the range (0, 231). K is the length of the uncoded message and must be less than N.

This icon shows all ports, including optional ports, for the LDPC Decoder block.


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Transmit an LDPC-encoded, QPSK-modulated bit stream through an AWGN channel. Demodulate and decode the received signal. Compute the error statistics.

The snr variable is initialized using the InitFcn callback in Model Properties>Callbacks. The SNR dB parameter in the AWGN Channel block and the Variance parameter in the QPSK Demodulator Baseband block initialize settings using the snr variable.

The simulation is configured to process one input frame of data. The Error Rate Calculation block compares the transmitted binary data stream with the information data bits output by the LDPC Decoder block.

For SNR = 1 dB, the error rate is 0.

Extended Examples



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Log-likelihood ratios, specified as an N-by-1 column vector containing the soft-decision output from demodulation. N is the number of bits in the LDPC codeword before modulation. Each element is the log-likelihood ratio for a received bit and the value is more likely to be 0 if the log-likelihood ratio is positive. The first K elements correspond to the information-part of the input message.

Data Types: double


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Decoded data, returned as a column vector. The Decision type parameter specifies whether the block outputs hard decisions or soft decisions (log-likelihood ratios).

  • If the Output format parameter is set to Information part, the output includes only the information-part of the received codeword.

  • If the Output format parameter is set to Whole codeword, the output includes the whole log-likelihood ratio vector.

Data Types: double | Boolean

Number of executed decoding iterations, returned as a positive integer.


To enable this port, select the Output number of iterations executed parameter.

Data Types: double

Final parity checks after decoding the input LDPC code, returned as an (N-K)-by-1 column vector. N is the number of bits in the LDPC codeword before modulation. K is the length of the uncoded message.


To enable this port, select the Output final parity checks parameter.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Parity-check matrix, specified as a sparse (NK)-by-N binary-valued matrix. N is the length of the received signal and must be in the range (0, 231). K is the length of the uncoded message and must be less than N. The last (NK) columns in the parity-check matrix must be an invertible matrix in the Galois field of order 2, gf(2).

You can also specify the parity-check matrix as a two-column nonsparse index matrix, I, that defines the row and column indices of the 1s in the parity-check matrix such that sparse(I(:,1),I(:,2),1).

This parameter accepts numeric data types. When you set this parameter to a sparse binary matrix, this parameter also accepts the Boolean data type.

Example: ldpcDecoderConfig().ParityCheckMatrix configures the binary matrix as a 108-by-648 sparse logical matrix.

Output value format, specified as one of these values:

  • Information part — The block outputs a K-by-1 column vector containing only the information-part of the received log-likelihood ratio vector. K is the length of the uncoded message.

  • Whole codeword — The block outputs an N-by-1 column vector containing the whole log-likelihood ratio vector. N is the length of the received signal.

    N and K must align with the dimension of the (NK)-by-K parity-check matrix.

Decision method used for decoding, specified as one of these values:

  • Hard decision — The block outputs decoded data of data type double or boolean. Specify this data type using the Output data type parameter.

  • Soft decision — The block outputs log-likelihood ratios of data type double.

Output value data type, specified as double or boolean.


To enable this parameter, set the Decision type parameter to Hard decision.

Maximum number of decoding iterations, specified as a positive integer.

Select this parameter to terminate decoding after all parity checks are satisfied. If not all parity checks are satisfied, decoding terminates after the number of iterations specified by the Number of iterations parameter.

Select this parameter to enable the Iter output port.

Select this parameter to enable the ParChk output port.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals



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This block performs LDPC decoding using the belief propagation algorithm, also known as a message-passing algorithm.


[1] Gallager, Robert G. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1963.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

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