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Using WINNER II channel models, you can model and simulate spatially defined channels for multiuser MIMO wireless systems. In the model you can specify an arbitrary number of base stations (BS) and mobile stations (MS) together with their geometry and location information.

Figure 3.1 from [1] (shown here), depicts a system level simulation including multiple base stations and multiple mobile terminals. Within the figure the dashed blue line surrounding a car and cell tower, highlights a link level simulation for the link between one mobile terminal and a base station. The short blue lines, along the path of the car, represent channel segments where large scale parameters are fixed. The system level simulation consists of multiple links. Each link is modeled using the clustered delay line (CDL) method. The inset shows a CDL method model of one link in the scenario.

A WINNER II fading channel model scenario showing system level and link level simulation reception of direct and reflected path transmissions. The scenario depicts obstacles such as buildings, trees, cell sites, and mobile stations. Mobile stations in the image include two automobiles and one pedestrian. An inset shows a clustered delay line method model of the scenario.

The channel model enables you to simulate line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS propagation conditions. The model also enables you to apply multiple indoor and outdoor propagation scenarios. You can perform channel filtering in a streaming fashion with WINNER-generated channel coefficients.

The channel model supports:

  • RF frequencies up to 6 GHz

  • Signal bandwidths up to 100 MHz

  • LOS and non-LOS propagation

  • 12 indoor and outdoor propagation scenarios

  • Arbitrarily large antenna arrays (for massive MIMO applications)

  • Isotropic, dipole, and user-defined antenna element patterns

  • A variety of antenna array types (such as linear, circular, and user-defined)

To use this functionality, download and install the WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox add-on.

The add-on includes the comm.WINNER2Channel System object™ and provides the capability currently available in the open source download in [1]. The functionality in the download includes these functions:

The add-on extends the open source download by adding the capability to generate channel coefficients for use in channel filtering. For more information, see Mapping WINNER II Public Download to WINNER2Channel.

These examples demonstrate some of the WINNER II fading channel features.


[1] Kyosti, Pekka, Juha Meinila, et al. WINNER II Channel Models. D1.1.2 V1.2. IST-4-027756 WINNER II, September 2007.

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