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Computer vision

Estendere i workflow di Deep Learning con le applicazioni di computer vision

Applicare il Deep Learning alle applicazioni di computer vision utilizzando Deep Learning Toolbox™ insieme a Computer Vision Toolbox™.


Image LabelerLabel images for computer vision applications
Video LabelerLabel video for computer vision applications


espandi tutto

boxLabelDatastoreDatastore for bounding box label data
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
visionTransformerPretrained vision transformer (ViT) neural network (Da R2023b)
patchEmbeddingLayerPatch embedding layer (Da R2023b)
unetCreate U-Net convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation (Da R2024a)
unet3dCreate 3-D U-Net convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation of volumetric images (Da R2024a)
deeplabv3plusCreate DeepLab v3+ convolutional neural network for semantic image segmentation (Da R2024a)
rcnnObjectDetector(Not recommended) Detect objects using R-CNN deep learning detector
fastRCNNObjectDetector(Not recommended) Detect objects using Fast R-CNN deep learning detector
fasterRCNNObjectDetector(Not recommended) Detect objects using Faster R-CNN deep learning detector
ssdObjectDetectorDetect objects using SSD deep learning detector (Da R2020a)
yolov2ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v2 object detector
yolov3ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v3 object detector (Da R2021a)
yolov4ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v4 object detector (Da R2022a)
solov2Segment objects using SOLOv2 instance segmentation network (Da R2023b)
maskrcnnDetect objects using Mask R-CNN instance segmentation (Da R2021b)
posemaskrcnnPredict object pose using Pose Mask R-CNN pose estimation (Da R2024a)
reidentificationNetworkRe-identification deep learning network for re-identifying and tracking objects (Da R2024a)
fcddAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using fully convolutional data description (FCDD) network for anomaly detection (Da R2022b)
fastFlowAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using FastFlow network (Da R2023a)
patchCoreAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using PatchCore network (Da R2023a)
yoloxObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLOX object detector (Da R2023b)
detectTextCRAFTDetect texts in images by using CRAFT deep learning model (Da R2022a)


Classificazione dell'immagine

Rilevamento dell'oggetto e segmentazione dell'istanza

Ispezione visiva automatizzata

Segmentazione semantica

Classificazione video

Esempi in primo piano