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Return execution status


status = cgvObj.getStatus()
status = cgvObj.getStatus(inputName)


status = cgvObj.getStatus() returns the execution status of cgvObj. cgvObj is a handle to a cgv.CGV object.

status = cgvObj.getStatus(inputName) returns the status of a single execution for inputName.

Input Arguments


inputName is a unique numeric or character identifier associated with input data, which is added to the cgv.CGV object using addInputData.

Output Arguments


If inputName is provided, status is the result of the execution of input data associated with inputName.

noneExecution has not run.
pendingExecution is currently running.
completedExecution ran to completion without errors and output data is available.
passedBaseline data was provided. Execution ran to completion and comparison to the baseline data returned no differences.
errorExecution produced an error.
failedBaseline data was provided. Execution ran to completion and comparison to the baseline data returned a difference.

If inputName is not provided, the following pseudocode describes the return status:

if (all executions return 'passed')
	status = 'passed'
else if (all executions return 'passed' or 'completed')
  status = 'completed'
else if (an execution returns 'error')
	status = 'error'
else if (an execution returns 'failed')
	status = 'failed'
else if (an execution returns 'none' or 'pending'
	status = 'none'