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Create horizontal bar chart of performance attribution

Since R2023a


attributionsChart(BrinsonPAObj) creates a horizontal bar chart of portfolio performance attributions by category, aggregated over all time periods using a brinsonAttribution object. This function decomposes active returns into category allocation, within-category selection, and allocation-selection interaction effects.


h = attributionsChart(ax,BrinsonPAObj) additionally returns the figure handle h.


h = attributionsChart(___,Name=Value) adds optional name-value arguments.



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This example shows how to create a brinsonAttribution object that you can then use with the attributionsChart function to generate a bar chart of performance attribution.

Prepare Data

Create a table for the monthly prices for four assets.

GM =[17.82;22.68;19.37;20.28];
HD = [39.79;39.12;40.67;40.96];
KO = [38.98;39.44;40.00;40.20];
PG = [56.38;57.08;57.76;55.54];
MonthlyPrices  = table(GM,HD,KO,PG);

Use tick2ret to define the monthly returns.

MonthlyReturns = tick2ret(MonthlyPrices.Variables)';
  [NumAssets,NumPeriods] = size(MonthlyReturns); 

Define the periods.

Period = ones(NumAssets*NumPeriods,1);
  for k = 1:NumPeriods
      Period(k*NumAssets+1:end,1) = Period(k*NumAssets,1) + 1;

Define the categories (sectors) for the four assets.

Name = repmat(string(MonthlyPrices.Properties.VariableNames(:)),NumPeriods,1);
  Categories = repmat(categorical([ ...
      "Consumer Discretionary"; ...
      "Consumer Discretionary"; ...
      "Consumer Staples"; ...
      "Consumer Staples"]),NumPeriods,1);

Define benchmark and portfolio weights.

BenchmarkWeight = repmat(1./NumAssets.*ones(NumAssets,1),NumPeriods,1);
  PortfolioWeight = repmat([1;0;1;1]./3,NumPeriods,1);

Create AssetTable Input

Create AssetTable as the input for the brinsonAttribution object.

AssetTable = table(Period, Name, ...
   MonthlyReturns(:), Categories, PortfolioWeight, BenchmarkWeight, ...
AssetTable=12×6 table
    Period    Name     Return             Category           PortfolioWeight    BenchmarkWeight
    ______    ____    _________    ______________________    _______________    _______________

      1       "GM"      0.27273    Consumer Discretionary        0.33333             0.25      
      1       "HD"    -0.016838    Consumer Discretionary              0             0.25      
      1       "KO"     0.011801    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      
      1       "PG"     0.012416    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      
      2       "GM"     -0.14594    Consumer Discretionary        0.33333             0.25      
      2       "HD"     0.039622    Consumer Discretionary              0             0.25      
      2       "KO"     0.014199    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      
      2       "PG"     0.011913    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      
      3       "GM"      0.04698    Consumer Discretionary        0.33333             0.25      
      3       "HD"    0.0071306    Consumer Discretionary              0             0.25      
      3       "KO"        0.005    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      
      3       "PG"    -0.038435    Consumer Staples              0.33333             0.25      

Create brinsonAttribution Object

Use brinsonAttribution to create the brinsonAttribution object.

BrinsonPAobj = brinsonAttribution(AssetTable)
BrinsonPAobj = 
  brinsonAttribution with properties:

                  NumAssets: 4
         NumPortfolioAssets: 3
         NumBenchmarkAssets: 4
                 NumPeriods: 3
              NumCategories: 2
                  AssetName: [4x1 string]
                AssetReturn: [4x3 double]
              AssetCategory: [4x3 categorical]
       PortfolioAssetWeight: [4x3 double]
       BenchmarkAssetWeight: [4x3 double]
    PortfolioCategoryReturn: [2x3 double]
    BenchmarkCategoryReturn: [2x3 double]
    PortfolioCategoryWeight: [2x3 double]
    BenchmarkCategoryWeight: [2x3 double]
            PortfolioReturn: 0.0598
            BenchmarkReturn: 0.0540
               ActiveReturn: 0.0059

Generate Horizontal Bar Chart for Performance Attribution

Use the brinsonAttribution object with attributionsChart to generate a horizontal bar chart of portfolio performance attributions by category, aggregated over all time periods.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Return Attributions by Category, xlabel Return Attribution, ylabel Category contains 3 objects of type bar. These objects represent Allocation Effect, Selection Effect, Interaction Effect.

Alternatively, you can use the name-value argument for Style to generate a stacked horizontal bar chart of return attributions by category.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Return Attributions by Category, xlabel Return Attribution, ylabel Category contains 3 objects of type bar. These objects represent Allocation Effect, Selection Effect, Interaction Effect.

Also, you can use the name-value argument for Style to generate a horizontal bar chart of active returns by category.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Active Returns by Category, xlabel Active Return, ylabel Category contains an object of type bar. This object represents Active.

Input Arguments

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brinsonAttribution object to analyze performance attribution. Use brinsonAttribution to create the brinsonAttribution object.

Data Types: object

(Optional) Valid axis object, specified as an ax object that you create using axes. attributesChart creates the plot on the axes specified by the optional ax argument instead of on the current axes (gca). The optional argument ax can precede any of the input argument combinations. If you do not specify an axes object, attributesChart plots into the current axes.

Data Types: object

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: attributionsChart(BrinsonPAObj,Style="stacked")

Indicator to select style of attribution bar graphs, specified as Style and one of the following values:

  • "grouped" — Plot the bar graphs for the allocation, selection, and interaction effects side-by-side.

  • "stacked" — Stack the bar graphs for the allocation, selection, and interaction effects.

  • "active" — Plot the bar graphs for the active returns as the sum of allocation, selection, and interaction effects.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Figure handle for the performance attributions chart, returned as handle object. You can use the figure handle to access and change the properties of the chart.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a