Estimate lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix
Since R2021b
returns an estimate of a lower bound, s_n
= fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound(m
, for the smallest singular
value of a complex-valued matrix with m
rows and n
columns, where m≥n.
returns an estimate of a lower bound, s_n
= fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound(m
, for the smallest singular
value of a complex-valued matrix where λ is the
, A is an
m-by-n matrix with m >=
n, and In =
and regularizationParameter
are optional
parameters. If not supplied or empty, then their default values are used.
Algorithms to Determine Fixed-Point Types for Complex Q-less QR Matrix Solve A'AX=B
This example shows the algorithms that the fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function uses to analytically determine fixed-point types for the solution of the complex matrix equation , where is an -by- matrix with , is -by-, and is -by-.
You can solve the fixed-point matrix equation using QR decomposition. Using a sequence of orthogonal transformations, QR decomposition transforms matrix in-place to upper triangular , where is the economy-size QR decomposition. This reduces the equation to an upper-triangular system of equations . To solve for , compute through forward- and backward-substitution of into .
You can determine appropriate fixed-point types for the matrix equation by selecting the fraction length based on the number of bits of precision defined by your requirements. The fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function analytically computes the following upper bounds on , and to determine the number of integer bits required to avoid overflow [1,2,3].
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Since computing is more computationally expensive than solving the system of equations, the fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function estimates a lower bound of .
Fixed-point types for the solution of the matrix equation are generally well-bounded if the number of rows, , of are much greater than the number of columns, (i.e. ), and is full rank. If is not inherently full rank, then it can be made so by adding random noise. Random noise naturally occurs in physical systems, such as thermal noise in radar or communications systems. If , then the dynamic range of the system can be unbounded, for example in the scalar equation and , then can be arbitrarily large if is close to .
Proofs of the Bounds
Properties and Definitions of Vector and Matrix Norms
The proofs of the bounds use the following properties and definitions of matrix and vector norms, where is an orthogonal matrix, and is a vector of length [6].
If is an -by- matrix and is the economy-size QR decomposition of , where is orthogonal and -by- and is upper-triangular and -by-, then the singular values of are equal to the singular values of . If is nonsingular, then
Upper Bound for R = Q'A
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Proof of Upper Bound for R = Q'A
The th column of is equal to , so
Since for all , then
Upper Bound for X = (A'A)\B
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Proof of Upper Bound for X = (A'A)\B
If is not full rank, then , and if is not equal to zero, then and so the inequality is true.
If and is the economy-size QR decomposition of , then . If is full rank then . Let be the th column of , and be the th column of . Then
Since for all rows and columns of and , then
Lower Bound for min(svd(A))
You can estimate a lower bound of for complex-valued using the following formula,
where is the standard deviation of random noise added to the elements of , is the probability that , is the gamma
function, and is the inverse incomplete gamma function gammaincinv
The proof is found in [1]. It is derived by integrating the formula in Lemma 3.4 from [3] and rearranging terms.
Since with probability , then you can bound the magnitude of the elements of without computing ,
with probability .
You can compute using the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
function which uses a default probability of 5 standard deviations below the mean, , so the probability that the estimated bound for the smallest singular value is less than the actual smallest singular value of is .
This example runs a simulation with many random matrices and compares the analytical bounds with the actual singular values of and the actual largest elements of , and .
Define System Parameters
Define the matrix attributes and system parameters for this example.
is the number of rows in matrix A
. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, m
corresponds to the number of samples that are integrated over.
m = 300;
is the number of columns in matrix A
and rows in matrices B and X
. In a least-squares problem, m
is greater than n
, and usually m
is much larger than n
. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, n
corresponds to the number of sensors.
n = 10;
is the number of columns in matrices B
and X
. It corresponds to simultaneously solving a system with p
right-hand sides.
p = 1;
In this example, set the rank of matrix A
to be less than the number of columns. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, corresponds to the number of signals impinging on the sensor array.
rankA = 3;
defines the number of bits of precision required for the matrix solve. Set this value according to system requirements.
precisionBits = 24;
In this example, complex-valued matrices A
and B
are constructed such that the magnitude of the real and imaginary parts of their elements is less than or equal to one, so the maximum possible absolute value of any element is . Your own system requirements will define what those values are. If you don't know what they are, and A
and B
are fixed-point inputs to the system, then you can use the upperbound
function to determine the upper bounds of the fixed-point types of A
and B
is an upper bound on the maximum magnitude element of A.
max_abs_A = sqrt(2);
is an upper bound on the maximum magnitude element of B.
max_abs_B = sqrt(2);
Thermal noise standard deviation is the square root of thermal noise power, which is a system parameter. A well-designed system has the quantization level lower than the thermal noise. Here, set thermalNoiseStandardDeviation
to the equivalent of dB noise power.
thermalNoiseStandardDeviation = sqrt(10^(-50/10))
thermalNoiseStandardDeviation = 0.0032
The standard deviation of the noise from quantizing the real and imaginary parts of a complex signal is [4,5]. Use fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviation
to compute this. See that it is less than thermalNoiseStandardDeviation
quantizationNoiseStandardDeviation = fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviation(precisionBits)
quantizationNoiseStandardDeviation = 2.4333e-08
Compute Fixed-Point Types
In this example, assume that the designed system matrix does not have full rank (there are fewer signals of interest than number of columns of matrix ), and the measured system matrix has additive thermal noise that is larger than the quantization noise. The additive noise makes the measured matrix have full rank.
Set .
noiseStandardDeviation = thermalNoiseStandardDeviation;
Use fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
to compute fixed-point types.
T = fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes(m,n,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,...
T = struct with fields:
A: [0x0]
B: [0x0]
X: [0x0]
is the type computed for transforming to in-place so that it does not overflow.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 32 FractionLength: 24
is the type computed for B so that it does not overflow.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 27 FractionLength: 24
is the type computed for the solution so that there is a low probability that it overflows.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 40 FractionLength: 24
Upper Bound for R
The upper bound for is computed using the formula , where is the number of rows of matrix . This upper bound is used to select a fixed-point type with the required number of bits of precision to avoid an overflow in the upper bound.
upperBoundR = sqrt(m)*max_abs_A
upperBoundR = 24.4949
Lower Bound for min(svd(A)) for Complex A
A lower bound for is estimated by the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
function using a probability that the estimate is not greater than the actual smallest singular value. The default probability is 5 standard deviations below the mean. You can change this probability by specifying it as the last input parameter to the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound(m,n,noiseStandardDeviation)
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = 0.0389
Simulate and Compare to the Computed Bounds
The bounds are within an order of magnitude of the simulated results. This is sufficient because the number of bits translates to a logarithmic scale relative to the range of values. Being within a factor of 10 is between 3 and 4 bits. This is a good starting point for specifying a fixed-point type. If you run the simulation for more samples, then it is more likely that the simulated results will be closer to the bound. This example uses a limited number of simulations so it doesn't take too long to run. For real-world system design, you should run additional simulations.
Define the number of samples, numSamples
, over which to run the simulation.
numSamples = 1e4;
Run the simulation.
[actualMaxR,singularValues,X_values] = runSimulations(m,n,p,rankA,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,numSamples,...
You can see that the upper bound on compared to the measured simulation results of the maximum value of over all runs is within an order of magnitude.
upperBoundR = 24.4949
ans = 9.4990
Finally, see that the estimated lower bound of compared to the measured simulation results of over all runs is also within an order of magnitude.
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = 0.0389
actualSmallestSingularValue = min(singularValues,[],'all')
actualSmallestSingularValue = 0.0443
Plot the distribution of the singular values over all simulation runs. The distributions of the largest singular values correspond to the signals that determine the rank of the matrix. The distributions of the smallest singular values correspond to the noise. The derivation of the estimated bound of the smallest singular value makes use of the random nature of the noise.
clf fixed.example.plot.singularValueDistribution(m,n,rankA,... noiseStandardDeviation,singularValues,... estimatedSingularValueLowerBound,"complex");
Zoom in to the smallest singular value to see that the estimated bound is close to it.
xlim([estimatedSingularValueLowerBound*0.9, max(singularValues(n,:))]);
Estimate the largest value of the solution, X, and compare it to the largest value of X found during the simulation runs. The estimation is within an order of magnitude of the actual value, which is sufficient for estimating a fixed-point data type, because it is between 3 and 4 bits.
This example uses a limited number of simulation runs. With additional simulation runs, the actual largest value of X will approach the estimated largest value of X.
estimated_largest_X = fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveUpperBoundX(m,n,max_abs_B,noiseStandardDeviation)
estimated_largest_X = 9.3348e+03
actual_largest_X = max(abs(X_values),[],'all')
actual_largest_X = 977.7440
Plot the distribution of X values and compare it to the estimated upper bound for X.
clf fixed.example.plot.xValueDistribution(m,n,rankA,noiseStandardDeviation,... X_values,estimated_largest_X,"complex normally distributed random");
Supporting Functions
The runSimulations
function creates a series of random matrices and of a given size and rank, quantizes them according to the computed types, computes the QR decomposition of , and solves the equation . It returns the maximum values of , the singular values of , and the values of so their distributions can be plotted and compared to the bounds.
function [actualMaxR,singularValues,X_values] = runSimulations(m,n,p,rankA,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,... numSamples,noiseStandardDeviation,T) precisionBits = T.A.FractionLength; A_WordLength = T.A.WordLength; B_WordLength = T.B.WordLength; actualMaxR = zeros(1,numSamples); singularValues = zeros(n,numSamples); X_values = zeros(n,numSamples); for j = 1:numSamples A = (max_abs_A/sqrt(2))*fixed.example.complexRandomLowRankMatrix(m,n,rankA); % Adding random noise makes A non-singular. A = A + fixed.example.complexNormalRandomArray(0,noiseStandardDeviation,m,n); A = quantizenumeric(A,1,A_WordLength,precisionBits); B = fixed.example.complexUniformRandomArray(-max_abs_B,max_abs_B,n,p); B = quantizenumeric(B,1,B_WordLength,precisionBits); [~,R] = qr(A,0); X = R\(R'\B); actualMaxR(j) = max(abs(R(:))); singularValues(:,j) = svd(A); X_values(:,j) = X; end end
Thomas A. Bryan and Jenna L. Warren. “Systems and Methods for Design Parameter Selection”. Patent pending. U.S. Patent Application No. 16/947,130. 2020.
Perform QR Factorization Using CORDIC. Derivation of the bound on growth when computing QR. MathWorks. 2010.
Zizhong Chen and Jack J. Dongarra. “Condition Numbers of Gaussian Random Matrices”. In: SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 27.3 (July 2005), pp. 603–620. issn: 0895-4798. doi: 10.1137/040616413. url:
Bernard Widrow. “A Study of Rough Amplitude Quantization by Means of Nyquist Sampling Theory”. In: IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory 3.4 (Dec. 1956), pp. 266–276.
Bernard Widrow and István Kollár. Quantization Noise – Roundoff Error in Digital Computation, Signal Processing, Control, and Communications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations. Second edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
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Algorithms to Determine Fixed-Point Types for Complex Least-Squares Matrix Solve AX=B
This example shows the algorithms that the fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function uses to analytically determine fixed-point types for the solution of the complex least-squares matrix equation , where is an -by- matrix with , is -by-, and is -by-.
You can solve the fixed-point least-squares matrix equation using QR decomposition. Using a sequence of orthogonal transformations, QR decomposition transforms matrix in-place to upper triangular , and transforms matrix in-place to , where is the economy-size QR decomposition. This reduces the equation to an upper-triangular system of equations . To solve for , compute through back-substitution of into .
You can determine appropriate fixed-point types for the least-squares matrix equation by selecting the fraction length based on the number of bits of precision defined by your requirements. The fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function analytically computes the following upper bounds on , , and to determine the number of integer bits required to avoid overflow [1,2,3].
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Since computing is more computationally expensive than solving the system of equations, the fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
function estimates a lower bound of .
Fixed-point types for the solution of the matrix equation are generally well-bounded if the number of rows, , of are much greater than the number of columns, (i.e. ), and is full rank. If is not inherently full rank, then it can be made so by adding random noise. Random noise naturally occurs in physical systems, such as thermal noise in radar or communications systems. If , then the dynamic range of the system can be unbounded, for example in the scalar equation and , then can be arbitrarily large if is close to .
Proofs of the Bounds
Properties and Definitions of Vector and Matrix Norms
The proofs of the bounds use the following properties and definitions of matrix and vector norms, where is an orthogonal matrix, and is a vector of length [6].
If is an -by- matrix and is the economy-size QR decomposition of , where is orthogonal and -by- and is upper-triangular and -by-, then the singular values of are equal to the singular values of . If is nonsingular, then
Upper Bound for R = Q'A
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Proof of Upper Bound for R = Q'A
The th column of is equal to , so
Since for all , then
Upper Bound for C = Q'B
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Proof of Upper Bound for C = Q'B
The proof of the upper bound for is the same as the proof of the upper bound for by substituting for and for .
Upper Bound for X = A\B
The upper bound for the magnitude of the elements of is
Proof of Upper Bound for X = A\B
If is not full rank, then , and if is not equal to zero, then and so the inequality is true.
If is full rank, then . Let be the th column of , and be the th column of . Then
Since for all rows and columns of and , then
Lower Bound for min(svd(A))
You can estimate a lower bound of for complex-valued using the following formula,
where is the standard deviation of random noise added to the elements of , is the probability that , is the gamma
function, and is the inverse incomplete gamma function gammaincinv
The proof is found in [1]. It is derived by integrating the formula in Lemma 3.4 from [3] and rearranging terms.
Since with probability , then you can bound the magnitude of the elements of without computing ,
with probability .
You can compute using the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
function which uses a default probability of 5 standard deviations below the mean, , so the probability that the estimated bound for the smallest singular value is less than the actual smallest singular value of is .
This example runs a simulation with many random matrices and compares the analytical bounds with the actual singular values of and the actual largest elements of , , and .
Define System Parameters
Define the matrix attributes and system parameters for this example.
is the number of rows in matrices A
and B
. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, m
corresponds to the number of samples that are integrated over.
m = 300;
is the number of columns in matrix A
and rows in matrix X
. In a least-squares problem, m
is greater than n
, and usually m
is much larger than n
. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, n
corresponds to the number of sensors.
n = 10;
is the number of columns in matrices B
and X
. It corresponds to simultaneously solving a system with p
right-hand sides.
p = 1;
In this example, set the rank of matrix A
to be less than the number of columns. In a problem such as beamforming or direction finding, corresponds to the number of signals impinging on the sensor array.
rankA = 3;
defines the number of bits of precision required for the matrix solve. Set this value according to system requirements.
precisionBits = 24;
In this example, complex-valued matrices A
and B
are constructed such that the magnitude of the real and imaginary parts of their elements is less than or equal to one, so the maximum possible absolute value of any element is . Your own system requirements will define what those values are. If you don't know what they are, and A
and B
are fixed-point inputs to the system, then you can use the upperbound
function to determine the upper bounds of the fixed-point types of A
and B
is an upper bound on the maximum magnitude element of A.
max_abs_A = sqrt(2);
is an upper bound on the maximum magnitude element of B.
max_abs_B = sqrt(2);
Thermal noise standard deviation is the square root of thermal noise power, which is a system parameter. A well-designed system has the quantization level lower than the thermal noise. Here, set thermalNoiseStandardDeviation
to the equivalent of dB noise power.
thermalNoiseStandardDeviation = sqrt(10^(-50/10))
thermalNoiseStandardDeviation = 0.0032
The standard deviation of the noise from quantizing the real and imaginary parts of a complex signal is [4,5]. Use the fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviation
function to compute this. See that it is less than thermalNoiseStandardDeviation
quantizationNoiseStandardDeviation = fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviation(precisionBits)
quantizationNoiseStandardDeviation = 2.4333e-08
Compute Fixed-Point Types
In this example, assume that the designed system matrix does not have full rank (there are fewer signals of interest than number of columns of matrix ), and the measured system matrix has additive thermal noise that is larger than the quantization noise. The additive noise makes the measured matrix have full rank.
Set .
noiseStandardDeviation = thermalNoiseStandardDeviation;
Use fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
to compute fixed-point types.
T = fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes(m,n,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,...
T = struct with fields:
A: [0x0]
B: [0x0]
X: [0x0]
is the type computed for transforming to in-place so that it does not overflow.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 32 FractionLength: 24
is the type computed for transforming to in-place so that it does not overflow.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 32 FractionLength: 24
is the type computed for the solution so that there is a low probability that it overflows.
ans = [] DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Signedness: Signed WordLength: 37 FractionLength: 24
Upper Bounds for R and C=Q'B
The upper bounds for and are computed using the following formulas, where is the number of rows of matrices and .
These upper bounds are used to select a fixed-point type with the required number of bits of precision to avoid overflows.
upperBoundR = sqrt(m)*max_abs_A
upperBoundR = 24.4949
upperBoundQB = sqrt(m)*max_abs_B
upperBoundQB = 24.4949
Lower Bound for min(svd(A)) for Complex A
A lower bound for is estimated by the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
function using a probability that the estimate is not greater than the actual smallest singular value. The default probability is 5 standard deviations below the mean. You can change this probability by specifying it as the last input parameter to the fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound(m,n,noiseStandardDeviation)
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = 0.0389
Simulate and Compare to the Computed Bounds
The bounds are within an order of magnitude of the simulated results. This is sufficient because the number of bits translates to a logarithmic scale relative to the range of values. Being within a factor of 10 is between 3 and 4 bits. This is a good starting point for specifying a fixed-point type. If you run the simulation for more samples, then it is more likely that the simulated results will be closer to the bound. This example uses a limited number of simulations so it doesn't take too long to run. For real-world system design, you should run additional simulations.
Define the number of samples, numSamples
, over which to run the simulation.
numSamples = 1e4;
Run the simulation.
[actualMaxR,actualMaxQB,singularValues,X_values] = runSimulations(m,n,p,rankA,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,...
You can see that the upper bound on compared to the measured simulation results of the maximum value of over all runs is within an order of magnitude.
upperBoundR = 24.4949
ans = 9.6720
You can see that the upper bound on compared to the measured simulation results of the maximum value of over all runs is also within an order of magnitude.
upperBoundQB = 24.4949
ans = 4.4764
Finally, see that the estimated lower bound of compared to the measured simulation results of over all runs is also within an order of magnitude.
estimatedSingularValueLowerBound = 0.0389
actualSmallestSingularValue = min(singularValues,[],'all')
actualSmallestSingularValue = 0.0443
Plot the distribution of the singular values over all simulation runs. The distributions of the largest singular values correspond to the signals that determine the rank of the matrix. The distributions of the smallest singular values correspond to the noise. The derivation of the estimated bound of the smallest singular value makes use of the random nature of the noise.
clf fixed.example.plot.singularValueDistribution(m,n,rankA,noiseStandardDeviation,... singularValues,estimatedSingularValueLowerBound,"complex");
Zoom in to the smallest singular value to see that the estimated bound is close to it.
xlim([estimatedSingularValueLowerBound*0.9, max(singularValues(n,:))]);
Estimate the largest value of the solution, X, and compare it to the largest value of X found during the simulation runs. The estimation is within an order of magnitude of the actual value, which is sufficient for estimating a fixed-point data type, because it is between 3 and 4 bits.
This example uses a limited number of simulation runs. With additional simulation runs, the actual largest value of X will approach the estimated largest value of X.
estimated_largest_X = fixed.complexMatrixSolveUpperBoundX(m,n,max_abs_B,noiseStandardDeviation)
estimated_largest_X = 629.3194
actual_largest_X = max(abs(X_values),[],'all')
actual_largest_X = 70.2644
Plot the distribution of X values and compare it to the estimated upper bound for X.
clf fixed.example.plot.xValueDistribution(m,n,rankA,noiseStandardDeviation,... X_values,estimated_largest_X,"complex normally distributed random");
Supporting Functions
The runSimulations
function creates a series of random matrices and of a given size and rank, quantizes them according to the computed types, computes the QR decomposition of , and solves the equation . It returns the maximum values of and , the singular values of , and the values of so their distributions can be plotted and compared to the bounds.
function [actualMaxR,actualMaxQB,singularValues,X_values] = runSimulations(m,n,p,rankA,max_abs_A,max_abs_B,... numSamples,noiseStandardDeviation,T) precisionBits = T.A.FractionLength; A_WordLength = T.A.WordLength; B_WordLength = T.B.WordLength; actualMaxR = zeros(1,numSamples); actualMaxQB = zeros(1,numSamples); singularValues = zeros(n,numSamples); X_values = zeros(n,numSamples); for j = 1:numSamples A = (max_abs_A/sqrt(2))*fixed.example.complexRandomLowRankMatrix(m,n,rankA); % Adding normally distributed random noise makes A non-singular. A = A + fixed.example.complexNormalRandomArray(0,noiseStandardDeviation,m,n); A = quantizenumeric(A,1,A_WordLength,precisionBits); B = fixed.example.complexUniformRandomArray(-max_abs_B,max_abs_B,m,p); B = quantizenumeric(B,1,B_WordLength,precisionBits); [Q,R] = qr(A,0); C = Q'*B; X = R\C; actualMaxR(j) = max(abs(R(:))); actualMaxQB(j) = max(abs(C(:))); singularValues(:,j) = svd(A); X_values(:,j) = X; end end
Thomas A. Bryan and Jenna L. Warren. “Systems and Methods for Design Parameter Selection”. Patent pending. U.S. Patent Application No. 16/947,130. 2020.
Perform QR Factorization Using CORDIC. Derivation of the bound on growth when computing QR. MathWorks. 2010.
Zizhong Chen and Jack J. Dongarra. “Condition Numbers of Gaussian Random Matrices”. In: SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 27.3 (July 2005), pp. 603–620. issn: 0895-4798. doi: 10.1137/040616413. url:
Bernard Widrow. “A Study of Rough Amplitude Quantization by Means of Nyquist Sampling Theory”. In: IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory 3.4 (Dec. 1956), pp. 266–276.
Bernard Widrow and István Kollár. Quantization Noise – Roundoff Error in Digital Computation, Signal Processing, Control, and Communications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations. Second edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
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Input Arguments
— Number of rows in matrix
positive integer-valued scalar
Number of rows in matrix, specified as a positive integer-valued scalar. The number
of rows, m
, must be greater than or equal to the number of columns,
Data Types: double
— Number of columns in matrix
positive integer-valued scalar
Number of columns in matrix, specified as a positive integer-valued scalar. The
number of rows, m
, must be greater than or equal to the number of
columns, n
Data Types: double
— Standard deviation of additive random noise in matrix
Standard deviation of additive random noise in matrix, specified as a scalar.
Data Types: double
— Probability that estimate of lower bound is larger than actual smallest singular value of matrix
(default) | scalar
Probability that estimate of lower bound is larger than actual smallest singular value of matrix, specified as a scalar.
If p_s_n
is not supplied or empty, then the default of
p_s = (1/2)*(1+erf(-5/sqrt(2))) = 2.8665e-07
is used, which is 5
standard deviations below the mean, so the probability that the estimated lower bound
for the smallest singular value is less than the actual smallest singular value is
1 - p_s = 0.99999971 - p_s = 0.9999997
Data Types: double
— Regularization parameter
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Regularization parameter, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Small, positive values of the regularization parameter can improve the conditioning of the problem and reduce the variance of the estimates. While biased, the reduced variance of the estimate often results in a smaller mean squared error when compared to least-squares estimates.
is the Tikhonov regularization
parameter of the matrix where λ is the
, A is an
m-by-n matrix with m >=
n, and I =
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
| fi
Output Arguments
— Estimate of lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix
Estimate of lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix, returned as a scalar.
to used estimate the smallest singular value of a matrix to estimate a bound for max(|X(:)|). For example, infixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypes
, the elements of X=R\(Q'B) are bounded in magnitude bywith probability 1-ps.
max(|X(:)|) is smaller when the denominator in the above equation is larger.
If nothing else is known about a matrix, then in general the smallest singular value will be larger if:
there is additive random noise.
the number of rows, m, is much larger than the number of columns, n.
If the noise standard deviation is not known, you can approximate it as the standard deviation of the quantization error. You can compute the quantization error using
.For s to be a useful bound on the smallest singular value of A, the probability that s is greater than the smallest singular value of A should be small. A practical value to use is
which is 5 standard deviations below the mean, so the probability that the estimated bound for the smallest singular value is less than the actual smallest singular value is 1-ps ≈ 0.9999997.
is used in these functions.
Given a m-by-n complex-valued matrix A and standard deviation σN of additive random noise on the elements of A, you can compute an estimate of a lower bound for the smallest singular value of A, s, such that the probability, ps, of s being greater than the smallest singular value of A using this formula [1][2].
[1] Bryan, Thomas A. and Jenna L. Warren. "Systems and Methods for Design Parameter Selection." U.S. Patent Application No. 16/947, 130. 2020.
[2] Chen, Zizhong and Jack J. Dongarra. "Condition Numbers of Gaussian Random Matrices." SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 27, no. 3 (July 2005): 603-620.
Version History
Introduced in R2021bR2022a: Support for Tikhonov regularization parameter
The fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBound
function now supports the
Tikhonov regularization parameter, regularizationParameter.
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