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Image Registration

Align two images using intensity correlation, feature matching, or control point mapping

Image registration is the process of aligning two or more images. This process involves designating one image as the reference image, also called the fixed image, and applying geometric transformations or local displacements to the other image so that it aligns with the reference image. Images can be misaligned for a variety of reasons. Commonly, images are captured under variable conditions that can change the camera perspective or the content of the scene.

Together, Image Processing Toolbox™ and Computer Vision Toolbox™ offer four image registration solutions: interactive registration with the Registration Estimator app, intensity-based automatic image registration, control point registration, and automated feature matching. For help selecting which approach to use, see Choose an Image Registration Technique.


Registration EstimatorRegister 2-D grayscale images


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imregisterIntensity-based image registration
imregconfigConfigurations for intensity-based registration
imregtformEstimate geometric transformation that aligns two 2-D or 3-D images
imregcorrEstimate geometric transformation that aligns two 2-D images using cross correlation
imregdemonsEstimate displacement field that aligns two 2-D or 3-D images
imregmtbRegister 2-D images using median threshold bitmaps
normxcorr2Normalized 2-D cross-correlation
MattesMutualInformationMattes mutual information metric configuration
MeanSquaresMean square error metric configuration
RegularStepGradientDescentRegular step gradient descent optimizer configuration
OnePlusOneEvolutionaryOne-plus-one evolutionary optimizer configuration
cpselectControl Point Selection tool
fitgeotform2dFit 2-D geometric transformation to control point pairs (Since R2022b)
cpcorrTune control point locations using cross-correlation
cpstruct2pairsExtract valid control point pairs from cpstruct structure
imwarpApply geometric transformation to image
imref2dReference 2-D image to world coordinates
imref3dReference 3-D image to world coordinates


Register Images Using Intensity-Based Optimization

Register Images Using Control Point Mapping

  • Control Point Registration
    To determine the parameters of a geometric transformation, you can pick corresponding pairs of points in two images.
  • Select Matching Control Point Pairs
    Use the Control Point Selection tool to pick control points in the image to be registered and corresponding points in the fixed image.

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