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Plot ROI contour data in DICOM-RT structure set

Since R2020a


plotContour(contour) plots one or more region of interest (ROI) sequences stored in the dicomContours object contour.


plotContour(contour,number) plots only the ROI contour data with the specified ROI number number.


plotContour(___,ax) plots ROI contour data in the axes specified by ax, in addition to any combination of input arguments from previous syntaxes.


h = plotContour(___) returns the graphics object handles for the plot. You can use h to query and modify the properties of the plot. h is a group object. For more information on group object properties, see Group Properties.



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Read the DICOM metadata from a DICOM-RT structure set file.

info = dicominfo("RTSTRUCT-VS-SEG-001.dcm");

Extract the ROI data from the structure set and ROI contour modules of the DICOM metadata. The output is a dicomContours object that stores the extracted ROI data.

contour = dicomContours(info);

Display the ROIs property of the dicomContours object.

ans=4×5 table
    Number       Name        ContourData    GeometricType       Color    
    ______    ___________    ___________    _____________    ____________

      1       {'TV'     }    {13x1 cell}     {13x1 cell}     {3x1 double}
      2       {'Cochlea'}    { 5x1 cell}     { 5x1 cell}     {3x1 double}
      3       {'Vol2016'}    {12x1 cell}     {12x1 cell}     {3x1 double}
      4       {'*Skull' }    {79x1 cell}     {79x1 cell}     {3x1 double}

Plot all of the ROI contour data from the object.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 109 objects of type line.

You can also plot a specific ROI contour by using its ROI number. Plot only the ROI contour data specified by ROI number 1.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 13 objects of type line.

Read the DICOM metadata from a DICOM-RT structure set file.

info = dicominfo("RTSTRUCT-VS-SEG-001.dcm");

Extract the ROI data from the structure set and ROI contour modules of the DICOM metadata. The output is a dicomContours object that stores the extracted ROI data.

contour = dicomContours(info);

Create a 2-by-2 tiled chart layout to display multiple plots in a figure window.

figure("Position",[1 1 700 700])

Create an axes object by using the nexttile function. The axes span across the first two columns of the tiled chart layout. Plot all of the ROI contour data on these axes.

ax1 = nexttile(1,[1 2]);
title("ROI Contour Data")

Create a second axes object and plot only the ROI contour data specified by ROI number 1.

ax2 = nexttile;
title("ROI Contour Data of ROI Number 1")

Create a third axes object and plot only the ROI contour data specified by ROI number 2.

ax3 = nexttile;
title("ROI Contour Data of ROI Number 2")

Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title ROI Contour Data contains 109 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title ROI Contour Data of ROI Number 1 contains 13 objects of type line. Axes object 3 with title ROI Contour Data of ROI Number 2 contains 5 objects of type line.

Read the DICOM metadata from a DICOM-RT structure set file.

info = dicominfo("RTSTRUCT-VS-SEG-001.dcm");

Extract the ROI data from the structure set and ROI contour modules of the DICOM metadata. The output is a dicomContours object that stores the extracted ROI data.

contour = dicomContours(info);

Plot the ROI contour data and get the parent axes. The returned parent axes is an hggroup object with separate handles for each ROI contour plot.

h = plotContour(contour)
h = 
  4x1 Group array:

  Group    (TV)
  Group    (Cochlea)
  Group    (Vol2016)
  Group    (*Skull)

Add text descriptions for each ROI contour plot by using the returned handles.

text(290,0,-400,"\leftarrow ROI number 1","Parent",h(1))
text(90,0,-500,"\leftarrow ROI number 2","FontWeight","Bold","Parent",h(2))

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 111 objects of type line, text.

Input Arguments

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ROI data, specified as a dicomContours object.

ROI number, specified as a numeric scalar or vector. Specifying a vector plots multiple contour sequences on the same axes.

The ROI number is specified in the Number column of the table returned by the ROIs property of the dicomContours object.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Target axes, specified as a handle object returned by axes or gca.

Output Arguments

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Graphics object handle, returned as an hggroup object or an array of hggroup objects. If you specify number as a vector of ROIs, h is an array of hggroup objects with each element corresponding to one ROI.

If you specify ax, h is a child of the axes ax. Otherwise, h is a child of the current axes.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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