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Build and Run Fortran Engine Applications on macOS

This example shows how to build and run the example fengdemo.F from the macOS Terminal Window.


Make note of the value of matlabroot (the folder where MATLAB is installed) command. You will use the value later to set the run-time library path.


Verify your current folder is writable and copy the example.


Build the application.

mex -v -client engine fengdemo.F

Set the system path. Make sure that you include the : path terminator character.

setenv PATH matlabroot/bin:$PATH

Set the run-time library path and call the fengdemo application. The application must be on your system path. This command replaces the value, if any, in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Replace macos with either maca64 for macOS with Apple silicon or maci64 for macOS with Intel®. For more information, see Set Run-Time Library Path on macOS Systems.

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=matlabroot/bin/macos:matlabroot/sys/os/macos ./fengdemo

MATLAB starts and displays a figure.

Type 1 <Enter> at the system prompt to continue and exit.

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