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Connect Python to Running MATLAB Session

You can connect the MATLAB® Engine for Python® to a shared MATLAB session that is already running on your local machine. You also can connect to multiple shared MATLAB sessions from a single Python session. You can share a MATLAB session at any time during the session, or at start with a startup option.

Connect to Shared MATLAB Session

First, convert your MATLAB session to a shared session. From MATLAB call matlab.engine.shareEngine.


Start Python at the operating system prompt. To connect to the shared MATLAB session, call matlab.engine.connect_matlab from Python. You can call any MATLAB function from Python.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.connect_matlab()

You can connect to a shared session by name. To find the name of a shared session, call matlab.engine.find_matlab from Python.


matlab.engine.find_matlab returns a tuple with the names of all shared MATLAB sessions on your local machine. In this example matlab.engine.shareEngine gave the shared session the default name MATLAB_13232, where 13232 is the ID of the MATLAB process. The operating system gives the MATLAB session a different process ID whenever you start MATLAB.

Connect to the MATLAB session by name.

newEngine = matlab.engine.connect_matlab('MATLAB_13232')

If you do not specify the name of a shared session, matlab.engine.connect_matlab connects to the first session named in the tuple returned by matlab.engine.find_matlab.

Connect Asynchronously to Shared MATLAB Session

From MATLAB, convert your MATLAB session to a shared session.


Start Python at the operating system prompt. Connect asynchronously to the shared MATLAB session.

import matlab.engine
future = matlab.engine.connect_matlab(background=True)
eng = future.result()

Call a MATLAB function from Python.


Connect to Multiple Shared MATLAB Sessions

You can connect to multiple shared MATLAB sessions from Python.

Start a second MATLAB session. From MATLAB call matlab.engine.shareEngine. Give a name to the second shared session. The name must be a valid MATLAB variable name. For information on valid variable names, see Variable Names.


From Python, find all shared MATLAB sessions.

import matlab.engine

To connect to the shared MATLAB sessions, call matlab.engine.connect_matlab from Python.

eng1 = matlab.engine.connect_matlab('MATLAB_13232')
eng2 = matlab.engine.connect_matlab('MATLABEngine2')

Start Shared MATLAB Sessions with Startup Options

By default MATLAB sessions are not shared. However, you can start MATLAB as a shared session with a startup option.

Start shared MATLAB sessions at the operating system prompt.

matlab -r "matlab.engine.shareEngine"
matlab -r "matlab.engine.shareEngine('MATLABEngine3')"

You can start a session with a default name, or give a name enclosed in single quotes.

See Also

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