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matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember Class

Namespace: matlab.metadata
Superclasses: matlab.metadata.MetaData

Describe enumeration member of MATLAB class

Renamed from meta.EnumeratedValue in R2024a


The matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember class contains information about enumeration members defined by MATLAB® classes. The properties of a matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember object correspond to the attributes of the enumeration member being described.

All matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember properties are read-only. Query the matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember object to obtain information about the enumeration member it describes.

The matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember class is a handle class.

Class Attributes


For information on class attributes, see Class Attributes.


Obtain a matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember object from the EnumerationMemberList property of a matlab.metadata.Class object. EnumerationMemberList is an array of matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember instances, one per enumeration member.


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Name of the enumeration member, returned as a character vector.

Short description of the enumeration member, returned as a character vector. For user-defined classes, the text for this property comes from code comments in the enumeration definition. If there are no comments, the property returns an empty character vector. For more information on how to include help text for your enumerations, see Custom Help Text.

Detailed description of the enumeration member, returned as a character vector. For user-defined classes, the text for this property comes from code comments in the enumeration definition. If there are no comments, the property returns an empty character vector. For more information on how to include help text for your enumerations, see Custom Help Text.

Value of enumeration member attribute Hidden, returned as a logical value.

Class that defines the enumeration, returned as a matlab.metadata.Class object.


List Enumeration Member Names

Use the EnumerationMemberList property of a matlab.metadata.Class instance to get the names of the enumeration members defined in the matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState enumeration class.

mc = ?matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState;
ans =


ans =


Version History

Introduced in R2009b

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