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Read data from shift register

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.


out = read(register) reads data from the data pin of a parallel-in/serial-out (PISO) shift register.


MATLAB® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware does not support read function for 74HC595 shift register.


out = read(register,precision) also specifies the data precision.



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Create an Arduino® object with the 'ShiftRegister' library.

a = arduino('COM4','Uno','Libraries','ShiftRegister');

Connect to the 8-bit PISO shift register on your Arduino board.

register = shiftRegister(a,'74HC165','D3','D6','D7','D10');

Read data from the data pin of the register.

out = read(register)
out = 1×8

     1     1     1     1     1     0     0     0

Specify the data precision to read data from the data pin of a PISO shift register.

Create an Arduino® object with the 'ShiftRegister' library.

a = arduino('COM4','Uno','Libraries','ShiftRegister');

Connect to the 8-bit PISO shift register on your Arduino board.

register = shiftRegister(a,'74HC165','D3','D6','D7','D10');

You can specify the precision as 'uint8' to read data from the register.

out = read(register,'uint8')
out = 0

Or you can specify the precision as a multiple of 8.

out = read(register,8)
out = 1×8

     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

Input Arguments

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Shift register connection, specified as a shiftRegister object.

Data precision, specified as one of the following multiples of 8:

  • 8

  • 16

  • 24

  • 32

or as one of the following character vectors:

  • 'uint8'

  • 'uint16'

  • 'uint32'

The default precision is 8. The precision value cannot exceed the number of inputs of the shift register. For a single chip, the number of inputs is eight. For chained shift registers, the number of inputs is eight times the number of registers.

Output Arguments

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Data read from the data pin of a PISO shift register, returned as a double scalar or vector.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b