Binary Weighted DAC
Mixed-Signal Blockset /
The R-2R DAC is one of the most common types of Binary-Weighted DACs. It consists of a parallel binary-weighted resistor bank. Each digital level is converted to an equivalent analog signal by the resistor bank.
The input/output transfer curve of the binary weighted DAC can be nonmonotonic, which means that the transfer curve can reverse its direction.
The R-2R DAC architecture is low resolution and consumes more power due to the large number of resistors required to implement the architecture.
Measure Offset and Gain Error of Binary Weighted DAC
Find the offset and gain errors of a binary weighted DAC block.
Measure AC Performance Metrics of Binary Weighted DAC
Find the AC performance metrics such as SNR, SINAD, SFDR, ENOB, noise floor and settling time of a binary weighted DAC block.
digital — Digital input signal to DAC
Digital input signal to DAC, specified as an integer.
If the Input polarity parameter is set to
, the allowed range of the signal is
If the Input polarity parameter is set to
, the allowed range of the signal is [0,
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| fixed point
start — External clock to start conversion
External clock to start conversion, specified as a scalar. The digital-to-analog conversion process starts at the rising edge of the signal at the start port.
To enable this port, select Use external start clock in the General tab.
Data Types: double
analog — Converted analog output signal
Converted analog output signal, returned as a scalar.
Data Types: double
ready — Indicates whether digital-to-analog conversion is complete
Indicates whether the digital-to-analog conversion is complete, returned as a scalar.
To enable this port, select Show ready port in the General tab.
Data Types: double
Number of bits — Number of bits in input word
(default) | positive real integer
Number of bits in the input word, specified as a unitless positive real integer. Number of bits determines the resolution of the DAC.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
NBits |
Type: character vector |
Values: positive real integer |
5 |
Data Types: double
Input polarity — Polarity of input signal to DAC
(default) | Unipolar
Polarity of the input signal to the DAC.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
Polarity |
Type: character vector |
Bipolar |Unipolar |
Bipolar |
Use external start clock — Connect to external start conversion clock
on (default) | off
Select to connect to an external start conversion clock. By default, this option is selected. If you deselect this option, a Sampling Clock Source block inside the Segmented DAC is used to generate the start conversion clock
Conversion start frequency (Hz) — Frequency of internal start conversion clock
(default) | positive real scalar
Frequency of the internal start conversion clock, specified as a real scalar in Hz. The Conversion start frequency parameter determines the conversion rate at the start of conversion.
To enable this parameter, deselect Use external start clock.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
StartFreq |
Type: character vector |
Values: positive real scalar |
1e6 |
Data Types: double
Reference (V) — Reference voltage
(default) | real scalar
Reference voltage of the DAC, specified as a real scalar in volts. Reference (V) helps determine the output from the input digital code, Number of bits, and Bias (V) using the equation:
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
Ref |
Type: character vector |
Values: real scalar |
2 |
Data Types: double
Bias (V) — Bias voltage added to output
(default) | real scalar
Bias voltage added to the output of the DAC, specified as a real scalar in volts. Bias (V) helps determine the output from the input digital code, Number of bits, and Reference (V) using the equation:
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
Bias |
Type: character vector |
Values: real scalar |
0 |
Data Types: double
Show ready port — Enable ready port on block
off (default) | on
Select to enable the ready port on the block. This option is deselected by default.
Enable linearity impairments — Enable offset and gain errors in DAC simulation
on (default) | off
Select to enable impairments such as offset error and gain error in DAC simulation. This parameter is selected. by default.
Offset error — Shifts quantization steps by specific value
(default) | real scalar
Shifts quantization steps by a specific value, specified as a scalar in %FS (percentage full scale), FS (full scale), or LSB (least significant bit).
Offset error is applied before Reference (V) and Bias (V).
The full scale range of the converter is defined as the difference between the last and first code on the +0.5 LSB compensated transfer curve. In a +0.5 LSB compensated transfer curve, first code is 0.5 LSB wide while the last code is 1.5 LSB wide. The input values must be considered within the full scale range of the converter.
LSB is calculated by the equation .
To enable this parameter, select Enable linearity impairments in the Impairments tab.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
OffsetError |
Type: character vector |
Values: real scalar |
0 LSB |
Data Types: double
Gain error — Error in slope of DAC transfer curve
(default) | real scalar
Error in the slope of the straight line interpolating the DAC transfer curve, specified as a real scalar in %FS (percentage full scale), FS (full scale), or LSB (least significant bit).
Gain error is applied before Reference (V) and Bias (V).
The full scale range of the converter is defined as the difference between the last and first code on the +0.5 LSB compensated transfer curve. In a +0.5 LSB compensated transfer curve, first code is 0.5 LSB wide while the last code is 1.5 LSB wide. The input values must be considered within the full scale range of the converter.
LSB is calculated by the equation .
To enable this parameter, select Enable linearity impairments in the Impairments tab.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
GainError |
Type: character vector |
Values: real scalar |
0 LSB |
Data Types: double
Enable timing impairments — Enable timing impairments in DAC simulation
on (default) | off
Select to enable timing impairments such as settling time or slew rate in DAC simulation. This parameter is selected. by default.
Specify switch timing using — Specify how DAC calculates switch timing
Settling time
(default) | Slew rate
Specify whether the Binary Weighted DAC calculates switch timing using the settling time parameters or the slew rate parameters.
To enable this parameter, select Enable timing impairments in the Impairments tab.
Settling time (s) — Time required for output to settle
(default) | nonnegative real scalar
The time required for the output of the DAC to settle to within some fraction of its final value, specified as a nonnegative real scalar in seconds.
To enable this parameter, select Enable timing impairments
and set Specify switch timing using to
Settling time
in the Impairments
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
SettlingTime |
Type: character vector |
Values: real scalar |
2e-7 |
Data Types: double
Settling time tolerance (LSB) — Tolerance for calculating settling time
(default) | positive real scalar
The tolerance allowed for calculating settling time, specified as a positive real scalar in LSB. The output of the DAC must settle within the Settling time tolerance (LSB) by Settling time (s).
To enable this parameter, select Enable timing impairments
and set Specify switch timing using to
Settling time
in the Impairments
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
SettlingTimeTolerance |
Type: character vector |
Values: positive real scalar |
0.5 |
Data Types: double
Rising slew rate — Switch rising slew rate for DAC
(default) | positive real scalar | positive real vector
Switch the rising slew rate for the DAC, specified as a positive real scalar or vector. If Rising slew rate is scalar, it specifies the same slew rate for all the switches. If Rising slew rate is a vector of length Nbits, it specifies the slew rate for each individual switch.
To enable this parameter, select Enable timing impairments
and set Specify switch timing using to Slew
in the Impairments tab.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
RisingSlewRate |
Type: character vector |
Values: positive real scalar | positive real vector |
5015625 |
Falling slew rate — Switch falling slew rate for DAC
(default) | negative real scalar | negative real vector
Switch the falling slew rate for the DAC, specified as a positive real scalar or vector. If Falling slew rate is scalar, it specifies the same slew rate for all the switches. If Falling slew rate is a vector of length Nbits, it specifies the slew rate for each individual switch.
To enable this parameter, select Enable timing impairments
and set Specify switch timing using to Slew
in the Impairments tab.
Programmatic Use
Block parameter:
FallingSlewRate |
Type: character vector |
Values: negative real scalar | negative real vector |
-5015625 |
Version History
Introduced in R2020a
See Also
DAC Testbench | DAC DC measurement | DAC AC measurement | inldnl
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