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Manage Permissions and View Project Trends in Polyspace Access Web Interface

Before you start reviewing the overall quality of a project and investigating findings in your code, create project folders and set permissions to allow or restrict team members access to your projects.

Create a Project Folder

To facilitate the review process, create folders in Polyspace® Access™ to group related results.

Create Folder from the Polyspace Access Interface

From the Project Explorer in the Dashboard perspective, select any existing folder or project and click Create Folder in the context menu. In the Create Folder window, click an existing folder to create a subfolder. To create a folder at the top of the Project Explorer hierarchy, click Projects.

Click Create Folder option in the context menu and set your folder details in the Create Folder window.

Create Project Folder at Command Line

To create a folder in Polyspace Access from the DOS or UNIX command lines, use the polyspace-access binary. This binary is available under the polyspaceroot/polyspace/bin folder. The polyspaceroot folder is the Polyspace product installation folder, for example C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2024b.

For instance, to create myProject under the folder myRelease, use this command:

polyspace-access -host hostName -port port -create-project myRelease/myProject

hostName and port correspond to the host name and port number that you specify in the URL of the Polyspace Access interface, for example https://hostName:port/metrics/index.html. If you are unsure about which host name and port number to use, contact your Polyspace Access administrator. Depending on your configuration, you might also need to specify the -protocol option in the command.

Manage Project Permissions

To set permissions for folders or projects in Polyspace Access, assign roles to users or groups. The permissions that correspond to each role are listed in this table.Table showing graphical view of Polyspace Access permissions

No access

No access to the specified folder or project. Set this role to restrict the access of a user or group if:

  • The user or group inherits access from a parent folder.

  • The user or group inherits access from a parent group.

  • View projects in the Project Explorer.

  • View the project dashboard of folders or projects for which you are a reader.

  • Review content of folder or projects for which you are a reviewer.

  • View the project dashboard of folders or projects for which you are a reader.

  • Review content of folders or projects for which you are a contributor.

  • See the roles of other users and groups for the project.

  • Upload results to folders or projects for which you are a contributor.

  • Move, rename, or delete folders or projects that you own and review their content.

  • Assign any role besides Administrator to other users or groups.

You are the owner of folders that you create and of project results that you upload.

You cannot move a folder or project to a new location if a folder or project with the same name already exists at that location.

  • Move, rename, or delete any folder or project and review their content.

  • Assign any role to other users or groups.

  • View and manage contents of ProjectsWaitingForDeletion folder. See Delete Project Runs or Entire Projects.

To set a user as Administrator, see Configure User Manager.

You cannot move a folder or project to a new location if a folder or project with the same name already exists at that location.

  • The user or group roles that you assign for a project folder apply to all the projects and subfolders under that folder. You can also set different user or group roles for each project or subfolder. For instance, you can assign user jsmith as a contributor for folder myRelease, and then restrict the access of jsmith to subfolder myRelease/update1.

  • Only Administrator or Owner roles can allow or restrict the access of other team members or groups to a project or folder.

  • Only Administrator roles can assign other users or groups as owners of a project or folder.

  • Unless you explicitly set a user or group role for a project, the user or group inherit the role of their parent group for that project. For instance, if user jsmith is not assigned any role for folder myRelease, and jsmith is a member of a group that is a contributor for folder myRelease, then jsmith is also a contributor to folder myRelease.

By default, all users are members of the Polyspace Access public group and all users inherit the role of that group (Contributor) for the public folder. You cannot change the permissions for the public folder, but you can change permissions for subfolders or projects inside the public folder.

Manage Permissions in Polyspace Access Web Interface

From the Project Explorer in the Dashboard perspective, select any existing folder or project and click Manage Project Permissions in the context menu.

The Manage Project Permissions interface opens for the selected project.

  • To assign or unassign roles, right-click a user or group in any of the panes and select a role.

  • Select a user or group in any of the panes to see information about the user or group in the Selection Details pane.

Manage Project Permissions window

This table provides additional information about the different panes in the Manage Project Permissions interface.

Search Results

To view a list of user or groups that match your search string, type the user name or group name in the search bar.

Selection Details

From any of the other panes, click a user to view the groups that the user belongs to in this pane.

If you click a group, this pane shows only the direct descendant members of the group. For instance, if group nestedGroup is a member of group parentGroup, when you click parentGroup, you do not see the members of nestedGroup in this pane.






No access

  • View list of users or groups that have a role assigned for the project.

  • If the role is assigned explicitly on the selected project, the selection icon is black.

  • If the role is inherited from a parent folder, the selection icon is gray.

  • Quickly change the role assigned to a user or group by selecting the role in the same row as the user or group.

The list of Polyspace Access users and groups (identities) is populated from the User Manager database. If an identity is removed from this database and the identity was assigned a role explicitly on at least one Polyspace Access project, that identity is highlighted in red in the Manage Project Permissions interface and is listed by ID instead of display name, for instance jsmith, instead of John Smith. A role is not explicitly assigned if it is inherited from a parent group or a parent project folder.

Contact a Polyspace administrator to remove that identity from the Polyspace Access. See Update List of Polyspace Access Users and Groups.

Identities that are deleted from the User Manager database and that do not have roles explicitly assigned to them are removed from Polyspace Access when you refresh your web browser.

Manage Permissions at Command Line

To manage access to uploaded results from the DOS or UNIX command lines, use the polyspace-access binary. This binary is available under the polyspaceroot/polyspace/bin folder. The polyspaceroot folder is the Polyspace product installation folder, for example C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2024b.

For instance, to assign jsmith as Contributor for project myProject, use this command:

polyspace-access -host hostName ^
-set-role contributor -user jsmith ^
-project-path myProject

hostName and port correspond to the host name and port number that you specify in the URL of the Polyspace Access interface, for example https://hostName:port/metrics/index.html. If you are unsure about which host name and port number to use, contact your Polyspace Access administrator. Depending on your configuration, you might also need to specify the -protocol option in the command.

You cannot assign the Administrator role to a user at the command line.

View Project Trends

In the Dashboard perspective, select the project that you want to investigate from the Project Explorer.

If you select a folder that includes multiple projects, the dashboard displays an aggregate of results for all the projects that you have permission to view. If the folder contains a project for which you are not an Administrator, Owner, or Contributor, results for that project are not included in the aggregate calculation.

In the Project Overview dashboard, you see a summary of Open Issues, including the number of New results since the previous analysis run and the number of results that are Unassigned.

Other cards provide statistics for each family of findings. The Run-time Checks card shows the Selectivity, that is, the percentage of all findings that are green. When you enable the calculation of code metrics in your analysis, the Defects and Coding Standards cards show the Density, the number of findings per thousand lines of code without comments.

In the Details section, you see the review progress for each family of results. The results are classified as:

  • To Do, with a status of Unreviewed.

  • In Progress, with a status of To fix, To investigate, or Other.

  • Done, with a status of Justified, No action planned, or Not a defect.

Green run-time checks, green shared variables, non-shared variables, and code metrics do not count toward the number of To Do, In Progress, and Done findings.

If the number of open issues increases, open additional dashboards by using the buttons in the Dashboards section of the toolstrip. Each button opens a dashboard for a family of findings, for instance Defects. To determine the root cause of the increase, use the information on these dashboards. Once you determine the set of findings that you want your team to focus on, open the Review perspective to start managing the results.

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