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Class: mlreportgen.ppt.Number
Namespace: mlreportgen.ppt

Convert number to formatted text

Since R2024b


formattedNumber = toString(numberObj)


formattedNumber = toString(numberObj) converts the number specified by numberObj to formatted text.

The conversion uses the first of these format specifications that it finds:

  1. The specification in the mlreportgen.ppt.NumberFormat object in the Style property of the object specified by numberObj

  2. The specification in the NumberFormat object in the Style property of the element, such as a paragraph, list, or table, that contains the specified Number object

  3. The default specification set by mlreportgen.ppt.setDefaultNumberFormat

If the conversion does not find a format specification, the conversion uses the maximum number of digits needed to represent the number accurately.

You can use this method to see the formatted text that results from adding a mlreportgen.ppt.Number object to a report.

Input Arguments

expand all

Number to convert, specified as an mlreportgen.ppt.Number object.

Output Arguments

expand all

Formatted number, returned as a character vector.


expand all

Add formatted numbers to a presentation by using the mlreportgen.ppt.Number and mlreportgen.ppt.NumberFormat classes. Set the number formatting for the first content slide using a default value for your session and for the second content slide to a format style for that specific Number object.

Import the PPT namespace so that you do not have to use fully qualified names for the PPT API classes.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*

Set the default number formatting for the session.


Create a presentation and add a title slide.

ppt = Presentation('myPresentation.pptx');
slideTitle = add(ppt,"Title Slide");
replace(slideTitle,"Title","Formatted Numbers");

Create the first title and content slide. Create an mlreportgen.ppt.Paragraph object to use for the title of the slide.

slide1 = add(ppt,"Title and Content");
p1Title = Paragraph;

Create a Number object with pi and convert it to a string with the toString method.

number1Obj = Number(pi);
formattedNumber1 = toString(number1Obj);  

Append the formatted number to the paragraph.

append(p1Title,string(char(960)) + " in default format: " ...
    + formattedNumber1); % char(960) - Unicode for the pi character

Replace the title in the first title and content slide with the paragraph.


Display the default format in the content text box.

numberFormat = getDefaultNumberFormat();
p1Content = Paragraph("Number format is : ");

Create the second title and content slide. Create an mlreportgen.ppt.Paragraph object to use for the title of the slide.

slide2 = add(ppt,"Title and Content");
p2 = Paragraph;

Create a Number object with pi and convert it to a string with the toString method. Limit the decimal places of pi on this slide to two decimal points by specifying the format of the Number and overriding the default number formatting.

number2Obj = Number(pi);
number2Obj.Style = NumberFormat("%0.2f");
formattedNumber2 = toString(number2Obj);  

Append the formatted number to the paragraph.

append(p2,string(char(960)) + " in individual format: " ...
    + formattedNumber2); % char(960) - Unicode for the pi character

Replace the title in the second title and content slide with the paragraph.


Display the individual format in the content text box.

p2Content = Paragraph("Number format is : ");

Close and view the presentation.


Version History

Introduced in R2024b