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Open a Report Setup

To make changes to a saved report setup, you must open its setup file. Open a report setup either interactively from the Report Explorer or programmatically.

Opening a Setup on the MATLAB Path


Use the setedit command to obtain a list of all the report setups on the MATLAB® path.

To open a setup that resides on the MATLAB path:

  1. If the Report Explorer is not already open, from the MATLAB Toolstrip, in the Apps tab, in the Database Connectivity and Reporting section, click Report Generator.

  2. In the Report Explorer, in the Outline pane on the left, select the Report Generator node.

    The Library pane in the middle displays a list of all the setup files that exist on the MATLAB path.

  3. In the Library pane, select the setup file that you want to open.

    The setup properties dialog box appears in the Properties pane on the right.

  4. To open the setup, in the Report Explorer use one of these approaches:

    • On the Properties pane, click the Open report button.

    • On the Library pane, double-click the entry for the setup.

    • On the Library pane, from the context menu for the setup, select Open report.

The setup appears in the Outline pane as a child of the Report Generator node.

Opening a Setup Not on the MATLAB Path


Use the setedit command to obtain a list of all the report setups on the MATLAB path.

To open a setup that resides off the MATLAB path:

  1. If the Report Explorer is not already open, from the MATLAB Toolstrip, in the Apps tab, in the Database Connectivity and Reporting section, click Report Generator..

  2. In the Report Explorer, select File > Open or select the file open button on the Report Explorer toolbar.

    A file browser opens.

  3. Use the file browser to find the report setup in your file system and enter the setup name in the file browser File name field.

  4. Select the file browser Open button.

The setup appears in the Outline pane as a child of the Report Generator node.

Opening a Setup Programmatically

To open a report programmatically, use the setedit command. For example, the following command opens the simple-report.rpt example that comes with the MATLAB Report Generator™.

setedit simple-report

This command opens the Report Explorer, if it is not already open, and opens the simple-rpt setup in the Report Explorer.


If a setup exists on the MATLAB path, you do not need to specify its full path when using the setedit command. Use the setedit command to obtain a list of all the report setups on the MATLAB path.

The newly opened report appears in the Outline pane as a child of the Report Generator node.

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