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Class: slreportgen.webview.WebViewDocument
Namespace: slreportgen.webview

Stateflow chart paths and handles to export


[paths,handles] = getExportStateflowCharts(wvdoc) returns an array of the Stateflow® chart paths and handles at the top level of the model to export.


Input Arguments

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Web view document, specified as an slreportgen.webview.WebViewDocument object.

Output Arguments

expand all

Stateflow chart paths in the model, returned as a cell array of character vectors.

Stateflow chart handles that correspond to the paths. returned as an array of character vectors.


expand all

Get the paths and handles for Stateflow charts in the sfMediaPlayer Simulink® model.

wvdoc = slreportgen.webview.WebViewDocument('myWebview','sfMediaPlayer');
[paths,handles] = getExportStateflowCharts(wvdoc)
paths =

  3×1 cell array

    {'sfMediaPlayer/App Interface'}
    {'sfMediaPlayer/Mode Manager' }
    {'sfMediaPlayer/Stream Player'}

handles =

	1×3 Chart array with properties

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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