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Target Platform Device Customization

Provide code generator with information about target platform and required code features

For your target device, select a system target file that provides the code generator with information about the target platform and required code features. You can also:

  • Use the Target Framework to extend the range of supported hardware.

  • Configure the code generator to use code replacement libraries for functions and operators.


targetManage target hardware and build tool information


target.AliasCreate alternative identifier for target object
target.LanguageImplementationProvide C and C++ compiler implementation details
target.ObjectBase class for target types (Since R2019b)
target.ProcessorProvide target processor information


target.addAdd target object to internal database
target.clearClear all target objects from internal database (Since R2023a)
target.createCreate target object
target.exportExport target object data (Since R2019b)
target.getRetrieve target objects from internal database
target.removeRemove target object from internal database
target.updateUpdate target objects in internal database (Since R2023a)
target.upgradeUpgrade existing definitions of hardware devices (Since R2019b)
