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Serial Link Designer

Analyze PCB designs for serial link applications

Since R2021b


The Serial Link Designer app analyzes PCB designs for serial link applications for both pre-layout and post-layout simulations. To perform post-layout analysis, you need license to RF PCB Toolbox™.

Using pre-layout analysis, you can run simulations using IBIS-AMI models with models of your system channels to determine equalization gamut, plot IBIS Statistical and Time Domain eye diagrams at a specified BER, measure channel response characteristics vs. specification masks, as well as perform crosstalk analysis. The pre-layout analysis environment can help you to generate design guidelines for board layouts, package layouts, connectors, and cabling. The post-layout environment verifies the actual layout against design guidelines or specification rules provided in a signal integrity kit.


Signal Integrity Toolbox™ recommends you to set the Java Heap Memory to at least 8192 MB when using the Serial Link Designer app.

Serial Link Designer app

Open the Serial Link Designer App

  • MATLAB® Toolstrip: In the Apps tab, under Signal Processing and Communications, click the app icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: Enter serialLinkDesigner.

Programmatic Use

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serialLinkDesigner opens a new session of the Serial Link Designer app, enabling you to design and analyze a serial link PCB.

serialLinkDesigner('file.qcd') opens the interface designated by file.qcd.

serialLinkDesigner('file.script') runs a script file and returns the app process handle.

More About

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  • Signal Integrity Toolbox recommends you to set the Java Heap Memory to at least 8192MB. To access the setting, go to Home > Preferences > MATLAB > General > Java Heap Memory.

  • For scaling to work correctly, you need to use JAVA 9 or later.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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