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EtherCAT Get Emergency

Collect emergency messages from the EtherCAT bus

Since R2023b

  • EtherCAT Get Emergency messages block

Simulink Real-Time / EtherCAT


The EtherCAT Get Emergency block collects emergency messages from EtherCAT® devices and presents the messages as output in the model. Optionally, the block can log the condition to the Target Computer Status Monitor. The outputs in the model and the logged status include all the emergency data, so action can be taken in the model.

Add one block to call into the notification code to collect the emergency message. The EtherCAT Technology Group defines general types of emergency error codes. Specific information coding is available in the documentation from each device manufacturer.

While there can be overlap in emergency message error codes sent by a device, device manufacturers often do not implement all codes and do not use the same codes for similar emergency issues. For more information, see the device documentation from the manufacturer. For example, a search in the Elmo Gold series motor drive application manual finds a description of error codes and error register values for error situations that the drive can encounter. The table shows a subset of the information from this manual.

Elmo Gold Series Motor Drive Error Codes (subset)


Error code

Error reg

Data field

CAN message lost



[0 0 0 0 0]

Motor stuck



[0 0 0 0 0]

Queue is low.



[0x56, idx, 0, 0, 0]




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The Err Code output provides the primary error code produced by the device for a class of emergency issues.

Data Types: uint16

The Err Reg output provides specific error information that identifies a specific emergency issue inside the class of emergency issues that is specified by the error code.

Data Types: uint8

The Data output is a vector of 5 uint8 values that the device can send to attach values to a specified emergency issue. At least one of the values must be non-zero.

Data Types: uint8

The Name output is a null terminated character array that identifies the device that sent the emergency message. This output is the name of the device that is in the ENI file. This name can differ depending on the string that the TwinCAT® or EC-Engineer software uses to identify the device.

Data Types: uint8


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To associate a block with an EtherCAT network, enter the Network Device Index value from the EtherCAT Init block representing that network into the Network Device Index for the block.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: device_id

The Log messages to statusmonitor parameter enables logging the message to the status monitor.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: logmsg

Enter the base sample time or a multiple of the base sample time. Use the EtherCAT task sample time.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: sample_time

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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