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Energy Balance in a 48V Starter Generator

This example shows an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) used as a starter/generator in a simplified 48V automotive system. The system contains a 48V electric network and a 12V electric network. The internal combustion engine (ICE) is represented by basic mechanical blocks. The IPMSM operates as a motor until the ICE reaches the idle speed and then it operates as a generator. The IPMSM supplies power to the 48V network, which contains the R3 power consumer. The 48V network supplies power to the 12V network which has two consumers: R1 and R2. The total simulation time (t) is 0.5 seconds. At t = 0.05 seconds, the ICE turns on. At t = 0.1 seconds, R3 switches on. At t = 0.3 seconds, R2 switches on and increases the load on the 12V electric network. The EM Controller subsystem includes a multi-rate PI-based cascade control structure which has an outer voltage-control loop and two inner current-control loops. The task scheduling in the Control subsystem is implemented as a Stateflow® state machine. The DCDC Controller subsystem implements a simple PI controller for the DC-DC Buck converter, which feeds the 12V network. The Scopes subsystem contains scopes that allow you to see the simulation results.


DCDC Buck Converter Subsystem

Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

The plots below show how the system maintains voltages on the 48V and 12V DC busses as loads in the network change.

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