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wireless channel in matlab

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Naga il 29 Dic 2013
Commentato: Naga il 2 Gen 2014
i have designed a wireless channel between a station and access-point in matlab, now i have a message(actually a variable which has a value) at station which i have to sent it through channel to access-point where it has to be decoded. This variable is used at access-point for other calculations
can anyone please suggest me how to implement this in matlab
  2 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 29 Dic 2013
? If you have already designed the wireless channel, then it is not clear what is left to implement ?
Naga il 2 Gen 2014
i have implemented using ASCII coding for encoding and decoding
I got my answer, anyways thanks for your involvement.

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