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Quieries on Quantization and Inverse Quantization

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Derick Wong
Derick Wong il 31 Dic 2013
Commentato: ES il 31 Dic 2013
I had a question regarding quantization.
I need to quantize a matrix, and I found out that the round command built in matlab is similar to quantization. So what I did are as follow.
DCTr=[ 1 2 3; 2 3 4; 5 6 7]
However, now I need to get back the DCTr by doing an inverse quantization. May I know how do I achieve that?
  1 Commento
ES il 31 Dic 2013
I think quantization physically leads to data loss that is irreversible. i.e., quantization is a means of lossy compression. So there is no way to get your unquantized dara back!

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