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Matlab code for Euler's method

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sam il 7 Mar 2014
Commentato: Sam il 7 Mar 2014
This is my first time using matlab and I need to know matlab code for this IVP where
y' = 3y, y(1) = 2, 1=<t=<2, h = 0.5. Solve the system with Euler's method.

Risposte (1)

James Tursa
James Tursa il 7 Mar 2014
Modificato: James Tursa il 7 Mar 2014
Look at this link:
Look at the "Formulation of the method" and "Example" sections.
Simply replacing their example with your specific derivatives, you should be able to program this up in just a few lines of code.
  3 Commenti
James Tursa
James Tursa il 7 Mar 2014
Here is the example copied directly from the link:
h = 1
y' = y
y(0) = 1
y(n+1) = y(n) + h * y'(n)
Are you saying you can't code that up in MATLAB with appropriate substitutions for your particular equation, range, starting point, and stepsize?
Sam il 7 Mar 2014
Yes. Since I am new to matlab, I don't exactly know the codes to solve an IVP. But, I do know euler's method and such.

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