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Azzera filtri

assigning multiple outputs from a vector

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Victor il 11 Mar 2014
Commentato: Victor il 12 Mar 2014
If I have a vector of a known length, let's say X = [ 1 2 3 4 ], is there an easy way to assign the elements of the vector to different variables? For example, I know I can do:
a = X(1); b = X(2); c = X(3); d = X(4);
Is there a function that will allow me to do something like [a b c d] = X? (I know this doesn't work, its just an example of what I am trying to do).

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Matt J
Matt J il 11 Mar 2014
  3 Commenti
Matt J
Matt J il 11 Mar 2014
Modificato: Matt J il 11 Mar 2014
No, there is no way.
But you can use the function below to encapsulate everything into one function call [a,b,c,d]=vout(X)
function varargout=vout(C)
%Takes the elements of a cell or numeric array and assigns them to separate varargout
% [argout1,argout2,...]=vout(X)
if isnumeric(C), C=num2cell(C); end
Victor il 12 Mar 2014
Thanks, Matt. That worked great.

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