Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

save values of variable

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
fereshte il 4 Giu 2014
Commentato: fereshte il 4 Giu 2014
hi.i run a code and give me a variable. i click it and dont show me any value.but when i type in work space and press enter give me values. why? how save the values?
my variable is fittedmodel1 and attached it.
thank you

Risposta accettata

Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend il 4 Giu 2014
The variable fittedmodel1 is a class. You cannot double-click on class variables and see what is inside. You have to use the workspace for that. To save the values just save the variable. Or extract the values and save them in a different variable.
  4 Commenti
Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend il 4 Giu 2014
Save the variable fittedmodel1, not the single coefficients, because you need the class to interpolate, plot or whatever. You can access the coefficients with fittedmodel1.a1, fittedmodel1.b1, ....
fereshte il 4 Giu 2014
how save coefficients?

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