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Connect Matlab to SQL Server using visual query builder

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am trying to connect to SQL Server using ODBC data source. I have windows 7 x64, matlab 7.11.00 (R2010b) and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have added the SQL Data Source but when i click on the database name, Matlab visual query builder ask for a username and password.
This happens and if i use the "odbcad32.exe" located in SysWOW64 directory.
Sorry for my english.
Any help would be apreciated.

Risposte (3)

the cyclist
the cyclist il 26 Ago 2011
You could ask the database administrator what your username and password are.

George il 26 Ago 2011
I have used the correct username and password but matlab can not "see" the databases. I installed the 32 bit version of matlab and i used the odbcad32.exe located in System32 directory and the problem stops.
  1 Commento
Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta il 26 Ago 2011
When you were using 64 bit MATLAB, did you set up the 64 bit ODBC admin?

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Edward Smart
Edward Smart il 21 Dic 2011
I have the same issue, and my Matlab is 64bit.

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