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How to reset a variable in a for loop?

22 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Andrea Miceli
Andrea Miceli il 21 Set 2021
Commentato: Rik il 22 Set 2021
Hello evreyone,
I was wondering if there is a way to reset variables in a for loop, I am going to show you an example to be as clear as possible,
for i=1:10
What I want to achieve is to clean up the X variable, that is, every time the for loop starts over, the X variable is cleared and recreated. I know it is very expensive for the pc, but all the values obtained in one click are stored in another variable and I need to recreate X. (I know well that in the example I have proposed the values are overwritten, but in the code that I am writing at each loop the values in the variable increase and are not overwritten)
  7 Commenti
Andrea Miceli
Andrea Miceli il 22 Set 2021
I think you're right, I will try to make a function and use a for loop on the function. Thank you Stephen, It wasn't easy for me explaining what I want to do, but I think this is the best way to get what I want!
Rik il 22 Set 2021
Then it seems something like I suggested in your duplicate question should do what you want. Simply create your variables once and then pass them as parameters to your function. Using a struct can help to limit the number of input parameters so you don't get confused by the order (and so you can easily add new ones).

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Risposte (2)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 21 Set 2021
Modificato: Adam Danz il 21 Set 2021
The example isn't very clear but I think you want to preserve the random X values within the loop. If so,
n = 10; % number of iterations
x = nan(1,n);
for i = 1:n
x(i) = 1+rand();
Of course in this example, you could generate all x values at once using x = 1+rand(1,n);

David Hill
David Hill il 21 Set 2021
Use indexing.
for i=1:10
Y=X(i)+5;%whatever you do.


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