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Azzera filtri

Horizontal concatenate in UItable table

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello, I have a code that uploads excel data into UItable. I want to concatenate the rows of the table however, some of the output are special charaters. Please how do i get it right. Below is my code and the results.
Table Data
Output Data
This is my code
oldData = get(GUI.RetailerStockList,'Data')
for i=1:size(oldData,1)

Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 13 Gen 2022
Let us look at what that is being asked to do for i == 1:
oldData(1,:) = {'bacon rashers', 250, 'g', 738120, 'Use By', 0}
You horzcat() those, so you are asking for
['bacon rashers', 250, 'g', 738120, 'Use By', 0]
What is the rule when concatenating character vectors and numeric values?
TYPE | character | integer | single | double | logical
character | character | character | character | character | invalid
So when you [] together a character vector and a numeric value, the result is a character vector. This is not accomplished by formatting the number as text: this is accomplished by taking char() of the numeric value, looking up the underlying character codes as characters .
So the above line is equivalent to
['bacon rashers', char(250), 'g', char(738120), 'Use By', char(0)]
You should consider switching:
C = {"bacon rashers", 250, "g", 738120, "Use By", 0}
strjoin(string(C), ' ')

Più risposte (1)

Voss il 14 Gen 2022
c = readcell('input.xlsx');
c(1,:) = [];
idx = ~cellfun(@ischar,c);
c(idx) = cellfun(@num2str,c(idx),'UniformOutput',false)
c = 22×6 cell array
{'bacon rashers' } {'250'} {'g' } {'738120'} {'Use By' } {'0' } {'black pepper' } {'20' } {'g' } {'738319'} {'Best Before' } {'10'} {'chicken breast'} {'200'} {'g' } {'738113'} {'Use By' } {'0' } {'chicken thigh' } {'150'} {''g'' } {'738114'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {'egg' } {'12' } {''units''} {'738120'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {'flour' } {'500'} {''g'' } {'738342'} {''Best Before''} {'3' } {''garlic'' } {'50' } {''g'' } {'738132'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {''honey'' } {'200'} {''g'' } {'738369'} {''Best Before''} {'5' } {''ketchup'' } {'50' } {''g'' } {'738324'} {''Best Before''} {'5' } {''mayonnaise'' } {'80' } {''g'' } {'738142'} {''Best Before''} {'4' } {''milk'' } {'300'} {''ml'' } {'738231'} {''Best Before''} {'3' } {''mushroom'' } {'100'} {''g'' } {'738112'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {''onion'' } {'250'} {''g'' } {'738116'} {''Best Before''} {'3' } {''parmesan'' } {'50' } {''g'' } {'738115'} {''Best Before''} {'6' } {''pasta'' } {'250'} {''g'' } {'738160'} {''Best Before''} {'3' } {''pork chop'' } {'300'} {''g'' } {'738115'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {''potato'' } {'200'} {''g'' } {'738126'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {''salmon'' } {'300'} {''g'' } {'738116'} {''Best Before''} {'4' } {''salt'' } {'100'} {''g'' } {'738669'} {''Best Before''} {'10'} {''shrimp'' } {'200'} {''g'' } {'738114'} {''Use By'' } {'0' } {''soy sauce'' } {'500'} {''ml'' } {'738627'} {''Best Before''} {'5' } {''tomato'' } {'40' } {''g'' } {'738118'} {''Use By'' } {'0' }
c_new = cell(size(c,1),1);
for i = 1:size(c,2)
c_new = strcat(c_new,c(:,i),{' '});
c_new = 22×1 cell array
{'bacon rashers 250 g 738120 Use By 0 ' } {'black pepper 20 g 738319 Best Before 10 ' } {'chicken breast 200 g 738113 Use By 0 ' } {'chicken thigh 150 'g' 738114 'Use By' 0 ' } {'egg 12 'units' 738120 'Use By' 0 ' } {'flour 500 'g' 738342 'Best Before' 3 ' } {''garlic' 50 'g' 738132 'Use By' 0 ' } {''honey' 200 'g' 738369 'Best Before' 5 ' } {''ketchup' 50 'g' 738324 'Best Before' 5 ' } {''mayonnaise' 80 'g' 738142 'Best Before' 4 ' } {''milk' 300 'ml' 738231 'Best Before' 3 ' } {''mushroom' 100 'g' 738112 'Use By' 0 ' } {''onion' 250 'g' 738116 'Best Before' 3 ' } {''parmesan' 50 'g' 738115 'Best Before' 6 ' } {''pasta' 250 'g' 738160 'Best Before' 3 ' } {''pork chop' 300 'g' 738115 'Use By' 0 ' } {''potato' 200 'g' 738126 'Use By' 0 ' } {''salmon' 300 'g' 738116 'Best Before' 4 ' } {''salt' 100 'g' 738669 'Best Before' 10 ' } {''shrimp' 200 'g' 738114 'Use By' 0 ' } {''soy sauce' 500 'ml' 738627 'Best Before' 5 '} {''tomato' 40 'g' 738118 'Use By' 0 ' }


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