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error from 'and' statement

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
David il 20 Nov 2014
Commentato: David il 20 Nov 2014
Hi so I'm kinda new to using logic statements with MATLAB,
I am looping through a matrix of data, and seeing whether or not each value fits falls within a needed range, so I've tried using an AND statement within a for loop being:
if AND(data_reshape_3(count1, count2) > 0, data_reshape_3(count1, count2) <= 0.5);
However I am getting this error:
Undefined function 'AND' for input arguments of type 'logical'.
Any advise?

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Adam il 20 Nov 2014
Modificato: Adam il 20 Nov 2014
You should use && or & to AND together two statements, depending on whether or not the individual statements evaluate to scalars or matrices.
data_reshape_3(count1, count2) > 0 && data_reshape_3(count1, count2) <= 0.5
If you want to call the function though you have to use lowercase:
and( data_reshape_3(count1, count2) > 0, data_reshape_3(count1, count2) <= 0.5 )
  1 Commento
David il 20 Nov 2014
thanks, the lower case worked spot-on :)

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