Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Bar Graph from a table : Error Xdata must be unique

40 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
0 '0' 2
0 '1' 11
1 '0' 32
1 '1' 33
2 '0' 38
2 '1' 31
3 '0' 47
3 '1' 39
Want to have C on the Y axis, X axis : 0,1,2,3 , bars colored for B : 0,1.
  4 Commenti
Frederick Awuah-Gyasi
Frederick Awuah-Gyasi il 9 Feb 2022
A little background :This dataset is a subset of a bigger table got with this code below:
T = groupsummary(BigT,{'A','B'}) so C is the GroupCount

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Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre il 9 Feb 2022
For bar, groups are created organizing the data into a matrix. The rows correspond to x, and the columns correspond to each data series. See this example.
That means you will need to do some reorganizing of the data to get it formatted correctly to create a grouped bar chart.
% Set up the problem by recreating the table.
A = [ 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3]';
B = ['0' '1' '0' '1' '0' '1' '0' '1']';
C = [2 11 32 33 38 31 47 39]';
T = table(A,B,C);
% use sortrows to organize data in an expected format
T = sortrows(T,["B","A"]);
% extract x values, group names
x = unique(T.A);
b = unique(T.B);
% Reshape the data based on the number of unique values in A
CC = reshape(T.C,length(x),[])
CC = 4×2
2 11 32 33 38 31 47 39
% plot
  3 Commenti

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