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Solution of Quadratic Matrix Equation

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Neilabh Banzal
Neilabh Banzal il 24 Feb 2022
I want to solve a Quadratic Matrix Equation of the form -
Solve for z: z' A z + B' z + D = 0
I did see a similar question here and David Goodmanson has an excellent answer for the z' C z + z + D = 0. However, I don't understand how he came up with the closed form solution or how to generalize it for my case. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7 Commenti
Neilabh Banzal
Neilabh Banzal il 25 Feb 2022
I was trying to avoid using fsolve as I have to call it repeatedly. Is there no other way?
Torsten il 25 Feb 2022
Modificato: Torsten il 25 Feb 2022
Maybe - if you tell us how you plan to evaluate A*z to get a 6x6-matrix.

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Risposte (2)

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson il 24 Feb 2022
icare and idare are used to numerically solve the continuous or discrete forms of the Riccati equation.
  1 Commento
Neilabh Banzal
Neilabh Banzal il 25 Feb 2022
@Benjamin Thompson, this is not a Riccati Equation. Note that there is a B' z term, but no z' B term.

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Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson il 25 Feb 2022
You could look at this work on File Exchange:
Then you run it 6 times for each of the 6 6x6 matrices in the 6x6x6 A matrix. If you have specific values to post for your problem in a MAT file, please do so.
  2 Commenti
Torsten il 25 Feb 2022
But according to the OP, z is 6x1, not 6x6.
Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson il 25 Feb 2022
Ok, I don't understand his problem requirements either but hopefully this helps him out.

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