Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Array isn't being correctly indexed?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sarah Gomez
Sarah Gomez il 6 Mar 2022
Commentato: Image Analyst il 8 Mar 2022
T = 10;
numpoints = 1000;
%1:1000:10, so from 1 to 10 I want 1000 points in between
for i = 1:numpoints:T
T1(1,i) = i;
When I try and run this code I just get 1, when I'd like one large row vector or array that goes from 1:numpoints:T, so a large row vector. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 6 Mar 2022
After the first increment T = 1 + 1000 = 1001 which is more than 10 so the loop only iterates once. You want linspace()
Tmax = 10;
numpoints = 1000;
%1:1000:10, so from 1 to 10 I want 1000 points in between
T = linspace(1, Tmax, 1000);
for k = 1:length(T)
T1(1,k) = T(k);


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