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how to simulate agent in environment and get the Observation from experience

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
load Agent01.mat
%%%Bulid environment
%%%Using custom functions
%The observation are position y,velocity ydot,angle velocity sidot
ObservationInfo=rlNumericSpec([6 1]);
ObservationInfo.Name='Vehicle States';
%Create discrete actions
%Set the action(steering angle)from -pi/2 to pi/2
ActionInfo.Name='Steering angle';
%Creating the custom environment using functions
env = rlFunctionEnv(ObservationInfo,ActionInfo,'myStepFunction','myResetFunction');
%load the saved agent
%simulation with saved agent and environment
%Configure simulation options
%simulate the agent
%The output structure experience records the observations collected from the environment,
% the action and reward, and other data collected during the simulation.
%Observations collected from the environment, returned as a structure with fields corresponding to the observations specified in the environment.
%Each field contains a timeseries of length N + 1, where N is the number of simulation steps
%Get the Observation State from a certain step
Obs = getsamples(experience.Observation.VehicleStates,1:10);
NextObs = getsamples(experience.Observation.VehicleStates,2:11);
I build an function environment and train an agent. Now I want to simulation the agent with experience=sim(env,agent,simOpts);
BUt why I can't get the Observation from the experience?
The error is "The middle dot '.' indexing produces a comma-separated list of 10 values, but it must produce a single value when followed by subsequent indexing operations."
Is that something wrong with simulation options? How to solve the problem? Thank you.

Risposte (1)

Aditya il 16 Gen 2024
The error you're encountering isn't related to the simulation options but rather to the way you're trying to access the observations in the expirience structure.
The error message indicates that experience.Observation.VehicleStates is a comma-separated list containing multiple timeseries objects (one for each simulation if NumSimulations is set to 10), and you're trying to index into it as if it were a single timeseries object.
When you simulate the environment multiple times (NumSimulations is greater than 1), the experience structure will contain a cell array of experiences, one for each simulation. The correct way to access the observations for a specific simulation is to first index into the cell array to get the experience for that simulation, and then index into the timeseries.
If you want to access observations across all simulations, you will need to iterate through the cell array:
% Initialize cell arrays to hold observations from all simulations
ObsAll = cell(size(experience));
NextObsAll = cell(size(experience));
% Loop through each simulation's experience
for i = 1:length(experience)
% Access the experience for the i-th simulation
simExperience = experience(i);
% Get the Observation State timeseries for the i-th simulation
vehicleStatesTS = simExperience.Observation.VehicleStates;
% Extract the observations for specific steps
ObsAll{i} = getsamples(vehicleStatesTS, 1:10);
NextObsAll{i} = getsamples(vehicleStatesTS, 2:11);


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