Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to create fixed rectangle and crop it?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want a fixed 257x257 rectangle and want to crop according to the rectangle of my image.What is the code would be?

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yanqi liu
yanqi liu il 16 Mar 2022
img = imread('');
figure; imshow(img, []);
h = imrect(gca, [1 1 257 257]);
title('please move the rect');
% now you can set the rect
pos = wait(h);
hold on; rectangle('position', pos, 'EdgeColor', 'g', 'LineWidth', 2)
img2 = imcrop(img, round(pos));
figure; imshow(img2, []);
  1 Commento
DGM il 16 Mar 2022
You can just do imcrop(img) directly for interactive cropping. If you want to preserve the rect parameter for later, you can do
[croppedimg croprect] = imcrop(img);

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