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Azzera filtri

Can I capture frame more efficiently?

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Yuxin Tong
Yuxin Tong il 29 Apr 2022
Commentato: Yuxin Tong il 1 Mag 2022
Hi all
I wonder if it is possible to capture frame more efficiently using getframe. I already have done the following:
1) I pre-defined a struct() variable to store the frames before running a for-loop.
2) I have limited the number of frames to capture by (kind of a wired way) I calculated i*length of the dimension I am changing each plot and limited it from around 1500 plots to 150 plot
I wonder if there are other things I can do to make my code more efficient? The thing I am doing is I am plotting three subplots that are updating each time the for-loop runs. (One thing I found is with or without the getframe() command the time difference were around 30seconds. Is getframe() actually this slow or am I doing it wrong?)
Also I wonder if there is a difference with using getframe(gcf) and getframe(figure handle). They seem to have a small time difference (around 5sec) when I run them. I tried google both but couldn'r really process the information, and I kind of get the feeling that there should not be a difference as long as I am only ploting one figure in the loop. Below are how I coded things. There are a bunch of variables in the code defined before it so just to get a sense of what am I doing ;p
fig=figure('Position',[0.1 0.1 900 300]);
for i=1:t
if ind>size(edgeBOLD,3)
caxis([0 max(edgeRes2D,[],'all')])
title(sprintf('Original, t= %d',time(ind)))
caxis([0 max(edgeBOLD,[],'all')])
title(sprintf('convn with 1-1-N gaussian, t= %g',time(ind)))
caxis([0 max(edgeSMOOTH,[],'all')])
title(sprintf('Smoothdata gaussian, t= %d',time(ind)))
fEdge(i) = getframe(fig);
Elapsed time is 60.790442 seconds.
Elapsed time is 33.247113 seconds.
The two time are time of the whole program run with or with out the line
(but im pretty sure this for-loop is the slowest part of my code so..)
Also not really important but is there a way that I can set the range for colormap for each subplot before I plot them? I don't think I should be setting them inside the loop but the figure and axes handle things are pretty confusing and nothing I have tried worked.

Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 29 Apr 2022
Maybe try getimage(). To pseudocolor the image use ind2rgb().
  1 Commento
Yuxin Tong
Yuxin Tong il 1 Mag 2022
Sadly I dont have the tool box needed for get image, but thank you still for the advice.

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