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ROS2 Galactic Linux to Matlab

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Maximilian Orman-Kollmar
Maximilian Orman-Kollmar il 16 Ago 2022
Commentato: VIGNESH BALAJI il 12 Apr 2024
I am trying to get my ROS2 Galactic installation to connect with Matlab (running 2022a). I saw, which recommends changing to FastDDS in Linux to match with Matlab- did not work. I tried changing the middleware in Matlab to cyclone to match Galactic, still no dice. I have tried both with WSL2 and a Linux machine. I can ping everything from each other, so I know the machines can see each other. I am just hitting a wall on what next to do.
The goal right now is to the use the examples codes and establish at least for the \talker and \listener nodes to be visible in matlab, and also to get the matlab publisher node visible by Galactic. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you!

Risposte (1)

Umang Pandey
Umang Pandey il 24 Gen 2024
Hi Maximilian,
You can refer to the following MATLAB answer by the MathWorks Support Team that addresses this issue -
Hope this helps!
  1 Commento
VIGNESH BALAJI il 12 Apr 2024
@Umang Pandey Is it the same problem for Matlab 2023b . Can I use ROS2 Galactic and Matlab 2023b and will I face the same problem ?

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