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how to extract coordinates from g code files

40 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Federico Paolucci
Federico Paolucci il 18 Ago 2022
Commentato: Mathieu NOE il 26 Ago 2022
I have this text file (g code), with several lines. What I would like to do is read the lines considering only some of them and extract the X Y E coordinates from them. In particular, the text is divided into "sections": it contains the coordinates for 3D printing of 3 parts (3 types of MESH) and for each part the external wall (WALL-OUTER) and the internal matrix are identified. This is for each single LAYER deposited by the extruder. (MESH, WALL-OUTER and LAYER are keywords present in the text)
My goal is to extract the coordinates X Y E referred to
MESH: lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
and this for every single LAYER
I want to extract coordinates from G lines between these keywords
I tried to use this script but there is something wrong
filename = 'file g.gcode';
output = strcat('modified', filename);
fid = fopen (filename, 'r');
fod = fopen (output, 'wt');
rgx = [';LAYER ^M\s+S(\S+) ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER ;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl ^G1\s+X(\S+)\s+Y(\S+)\s+E(\S+)'];
percent = 0.2
text = readlines(filename);
while ~feof (fid);
str = fgetl(fid);
[spl, tkn] = regexp (str, rgx, 'split', 'tokens', 'once'); %seperates numbers from text
vec = str2double(tkn);%converts number (text) into number values
if numel(vec);
vec = vec + percent*numel(vec);
mod = sprintf ('G1 X%g Y%g E%g', vec);
fprintf ('og: %s\nnew: %s\n\n', str, mod);
spl {2, 1} = mod;
spl(cellfun(@isempty, spl)) = [];
fprintf (fod, '%s\n', spl{:})
  4 Commenti
Federico Paolucci
Federico Paolucci il 18 Ago 2022
Ok I correct, only that the script does not work because it continues to output the same lines as the input g file, while I would like to extract the X Y E coordinates corresponding to the type WALL-OUTER of the part to be printed "lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl "and this for each LAYER
Federico Paolucci
Federico Paolucci il 19 Ago 2022
@Walter Roberson I extracted ALL the coordinates X Y E from the gcode file with this script
str = fileread('file g.gcode');
rgx = sprintf('\\s+%c([+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*)','XYE');
tkn = regexp(str,rgx,'tokens');
mat = str2double(vertcat(tkn{:}))
but I want ONLY the coordinates that are written under the lines:
;MESH: lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl

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Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 24 Ago 2022
tried a few things , this is my suggestion for the time being . Not 100% sure it's the best code , maybe someone else will see potential improvements.
have identified 75 "valid" sections as I assumed what we are loocking for are the data that follows the two lines (in that specific order) :
;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
those 75 sets are stored individually in a cell array (mat)
hope it helps !
D=readlines('file g.gcode'); % read as string array
ixMESH=find(contains(D,';MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl')); % find the "MESH" lines
ixTYPE=find(contains(D,';TYPE:WALL-OUTER')); % find the "TYPE:WALL-OUTER" lines
eof = numel(D);
% I want ONLY the coordinates that are written under the lines:
% ;MESH: lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
% In fact portion of data is organized either after two consecutives lines :
% ;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
% the other case being :
% example 1 :
% ;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
% G0 F1285.7 X186.285 Y123.676
% G0 X184.711 Y123.546
% G0 X181.241 Y123.546
% G0 X174.446 Y123.619
% G0 X171.19 Y123.546
% M204 S1000
% example 2
% ;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
% G0 F9000 X184.711 Y123.684
% G0 X181.241 Y123.684
% G0 X174.431 Y122.806
% G0 X170.914 Y123.684
% notice the distance between the two lines vary in case 2 which makes
% things a bit more complicated
%% for the time being the code below works (hopefully) for case 1 where lines come in this order (and consecutives)
% ;MESH:lattice1, dim elem 0.98, rotaz 30.stl
ixTYPE(ixTYPE>ixMESH(end)) = []; % remove ixTYPE greater than last value of ixMESH
ixMESH(ixMESH<ixTYPE(1)) = []; % remove ixMESH below fist value of ixTYPE
% define which sections are candidates (mst have the two lines in
% consecutive order) :
ixTYPE_select = [];
for ci = 1:numel(ixTYPE)
ind = find(ixMESH>ixTYPE(ci),1,'first');
delta = ixMESH(ind) - ixTYPE(ci) ;
if delta == 1
ixTYPE_select = [ixTYPE_select ; ixTYPE(ci)];
% loop over the selected portion of file
for ci = 1:numel(ixTYPE_select)
if ci == numel(ixTYPE_select) % last file section until EOF
str = convertStringsToChars(D(ixTYPE_select(ci):eof,1)); % selected portion of text
else % previous sections
str = convertStringsToChars(D(ixTYPE_select(ci):ixTYPE_select(ci+1),1)); % selected portion of text
% your code expanded below
rgx = sprintf('\\s+%c([+-]?\\d+\\.?\\d*)','XYE');
tkn = regexp(str,rgx,'tokens');
% remove empty cells
emptyCells = cellfun('isempty', tkn);
tkn(emptyCells) = [];
% convert cell array of cells to one array
A = vertcat(tkn{:});
B = vertcat(A{:});
mat{ci,1} = str2double(B); % finally ! store the array in one cell (or whatever structure you prefer
  4 Commenti
Federico Paolucci
Federico Paolucci il 25 Ago 2022
Thank you for your availability!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 26 Ago 2022
maybe one thing you could do is paste your g code in word or excel and put some color where you want the data
that would help to visualize which sections you want to retrieve (sometimes more efficient than a long description)

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