Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

AVG, occurence, vlook up, groups

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Marek Drliciak
Marek Drliciak il 10 Nov 2022
Spostato: Image Analyst il 21 Nov 2022
I would like to ask for help in determining the average of values in specific groups of data in a database. I processed the issue in excel in the attachment. This is a preview.
Thank you

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 10 Nov 2022
Try this:
data = readmatrix('Problem description.xlsx', 'Range', 'b3:c31')
data = 29×2
1 40 0 21 1 58 1 50 1 51 0 15 0 48 0 36 1 43 1 42
averages = grpstats(data(:, 2), data(:, 1), "mean")
averages = 2×1
29.2727 41.1667
counts = histcounts(data(:, 1))
counts = 1×2
11 18
  3 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 11 Nov 2022
Then you need to identify each group in column 1 with a separate ID number which you can do with bwlabel in the Image Processing Toolbox.
data = readmatrix('Problem description.xlsx', 'Range', 'b3:c31')
data = 29×2
1 40 0 21 1 58 1 50 1 51 0 15 0 48 0 36 1 43 1 42
% Identify separate groups:
[groupIDs, numGroups] = bwlabel(data(:, 1))
groupIDs = 29×1
1 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 3
numGroups = 8
averages = grpstats(data(:, 2), groupIDs, "mean")
averages = 9×1
29.2727 40.0000 53.0000 43.3333 22.5000 48.5000 41.0000 27.5000 43.5000
counts = histcounts(groupIDs)
counts = 1×9
11 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 4
Marek Drliciak
Marek Drliciak il 21 Nov 2022
Spostato: Image Analyst il 21 Nov 2022
Thank You very much. That was what I looking for.

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