Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Excel Data in Matlab

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Maduka il 18 Dic 2022
Commentato: Maduka il 19 Dic 2022
I want to replicate this graph of Grashof number at various velocity at different temperature, but I’m having challenge doing this on Matlab, please any assistance

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KSSV il 18 Dic 2022
Read about readtable. Using this import data from excel to MATLAB workspace and than use plot.
  6 Commenti
Maduka il 19 Dic 2022
Gr = 5:5:25; % vectors are orthogonal, allowing implicit expansion to 2D t = (0.2:0.2:1).'; H = 1; n = 1; N = 5; Pr = 0.72; S = 0.2;
% pull out common terms B = Pr*(N-n);
% pull out term blocks % note that the terms of TB1 begin with an imbalanced (Pr*(N-n)^k, so it's unclear what that means % i'm going to assume that means (Pr*(N-n))^k, not Pr*(N-n)^k TB1 = t.^2/2 ... + B*(t.^4/24 - t.^2/4) ... + B^2*(t.^6/720 - t.^4/48 + 5*t.^2/48)... % 5*t^2/48 + B^3*(t.^8/40320 - t.^6/1440 + 5*t.^4/576 - 61*t.^2/1440) ... + B^4*(t.^10/36288000 - t.^8/80640 + 5*t.^6/17280 - 61*t.^4/17280 + 1385*t.^2/806400) - 1/2 ... + B*5/24 ... - B^2*61/720 ... + B^3*277/8064 ... - B^4*(0.014);
TB2 = t.^4/24 ... % + not + B.(t.^6/720 - t.^4/48) ... + B^2*(t.^8/40320 - t.^6/1440 + 5*t.^4/576)... + B^3*(t.^10/32688000 - t.^8/80640 + 5*t.^6/17280 - 61*t.^4/17280) ... + B^4*(t.^12/479001600 - t.^10/7257600 + 5*t.^8/967680 - 61*t.^6/518400 + 1385*t.^4/967680) - t.^2/4 ... + B*5*t.^2/48 ... - B^2*61*t.^2/1440 ... + B^3*277*t.^2/16128 ... - B^4*(7*t.^2/1000);
TB3 = 1/24 ... + B*(1/720 - 1/48) ... + B^2*(1/40320 - 1/1440 + 5/576) ... + B^3*(1/36288000 - 1/80640 + 5/17280 - 61/17280) ... + B^4*(1/479001600 - 1/7257600 + 5/967680 - 61/518400 + 1385/967680) - 1/4 ... + B*5/48 ... - B^2*61/1440 ... + B^3*277/16128 ... - B^4*7/100;
U = -Gr.*TB1 - (S + H - n)*Gr.*(TB2 - TB3); % elementwise multiply
% plot everything figure contourf(Gr,t,U) colorbar figure; hp = plot(t,U,'-d'); lstr = cell(numel(Gr),1); for k = 1:numel(Gr) lstr{k} = sprintf('Gr = %d',Gr(k)); end legend(hp,lstr,'location','southwest')
Now I’m trying to generate same curved graph with this code
Maduka il 19 Dic 2022
If it’s possible to plot without the code, using table values… I’ll appreciate

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