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MATLAB : Add path of parent directory containing a class, called from a child directory

28 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi all,
I have a directory 'C:\Users\Documents\VALID_AUTO\Generator' containing files (.m) and among them a Class named 'SignalStructureProperty'. In this directory, I have created a folder named 'C:\Users\Documents\VALID_AUTO\Generator\G_UnitTest'. From G_UnitTest, I have a script that tries to create the object signalStructureProperty = SignalStructureProperty. But running this script I have a Matlab message :
Undefined function or variable 'SignalStructureProperty'
I don't know how I can make Matlab understand that he should add the parent path of G_UnitTest, without giving an absolute path but relative to the G_UnitTest path, so that he could then "know" the class I want to instantiate.
Thanks in advance

Risposte (1)

Jan il 21 Dic 2022
Modificato: Jan il 21 Dic 2022
What's wrong with using the absolute path?
myPath = mfilename('fullpath');
myParentPath = fileparts(myPath);
oldPath = addpath(myParentPath, '-end')
... your tests
path(oldPath); % Restore original path


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