Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Coloring string, fprintf seems limited and cprintf is even a thing?

13 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello there,
I am trying to modify a pass/fail function which prints the results in MS word template. Right now it just print 'Pass' in black and white formet but I want to color it as green.
How can I color the text ?
function reportgen_replace(hfind, fromstr, tostr)
%The argument tostr return a string name Pass
% Execute the replacement
if strcmp(tostr, 'Pass') %I made this function just to give a try but it does not seem to work
ColorPF = fprintf(2,'Pass'); %Although I need green color, I know that this function return text in red so I just wanted to give a shot
invoke(hfind, 'Execute', fromstr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, ColorPF, 2);
%instead of printing any string, it return values (4

Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Mar 2023
cprintf is a File Exchange contribution. You can install it using the Add-On Explorer.
The return value from fprintf() is the number of bytes converted, not the text.
  7 Commenti
Md Jonayet
Md Jonayet il 20 Mar 2023
Hey Walter, it seemed like the exact thing that I need to learn now. Could you give me some good keyword, source or any source to learn about it fully in depth? I would greatly appreciate it.
is wordtext a function by user defined?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 30 Mar 2023
WordText is defined in the SUB-FUNCTIONS portion of the 9112 File Exchange contribution.

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