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Add a NI SCXI-1000 module to a Matlab Session-based DAQ

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Greg il 10 Apr 2015
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
I am having trouble setting up a session-based DAQ on R2012a version of Matlab (64-bit) with DAQ toolbox to an NI signal conditioning system. This includes an NI-6251 USB to SCXI-1000 chassis with an SCXI-1520 strain module and SCXI-1314 strain terminal block. When I use NI M&AE everything self-tested successfully and calibrated properly. I am unable to pull the specific strain module into the Matlab session. Matlab responds that it is an unsupported device, but the Dev1 it recognizes, but results in irrelevant data. The code I have tried is below. The solution if hopefully simple, but I may need an adaptor kit, not sure. Any help is appreciated.
%Create Session-based interface
d = daq.getDevices; s = daq.createSession ('ni'); ch = s.addAnalogInputChannel ('Dev1', 0,'Voltage'); %ch = s.addAnalogInputChannel ('SC1Mod3', 0:7,'Voltage'); %Attempted in lieu of Dev1, but did not work. s.Rate = 2.0; s.DurationInSeconds = 30.0; data = s.startForeground;

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