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Azzera filtri

Are "fitrnet" and "fitnet" using backpropagation?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Amamo il 15 Set 2023
Commentato: Amamo il 19 Set 2023
Hello all together,
does anyone know if the commands "fitrnet" and "fitnet" are using backpropagation?
And how can I prove the statement? Is there any statement from Mathworks itself about this?
thank you very much.
best regards

Risposte (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist il 15 Set 2023
I am not an expert, but my read of the documentation is that all the algorithms used by fitnet, at least, will use backpropagation.
See in particular the section in this documentation page that starts with the sentence
"As a note on terminology, the term 'backpropagation' ..."
I did not investigate fitrnet as much, but I expect you will find similar documentation.
  3 Commenti
the cyclist
the cyclist il 16 Set 2023
I edited my answer to insert the documentation links in that I accidentally left out.
Amamo il 19 Set 2023
thanks for ur help!

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