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I need help to export data from hc_06 for plotting my sensor datas

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have two sensors they send my bluetooth module 3 datas:
Those are the data types and names.
I had problems with reading the data on matlab (I'm an unexperienced user).

Risposte (1)

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi il 13 Gen 2024
Hi Ali,
I am assuming you are using "bluetooth" function to create bluetooth device object. You can read the data sent to the bluetooth device object using "read" or "readline" function. Here is an example to demonstrate how you can achieve this:
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on:
I hope this helps!
  2 Commenti
ALI TURGUT il 14 Gen 2024
Yes I am using readline like this but i need to store 3 datas separately.
Since my device send data continuously I am having problems.
Also i need to make some adjustment on data before plotting, so i need to store them accordingly.
Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi il 17 Gen 2024
Modificato: Ayush Modi il 17 Gen 2024
I am assuming that the data is sent in a fixed format. You can use "NumBytesAvailable" property of the bluetooth object to check the size of the data which is available before reading the data. Once a complete packet is available, you can use "readline" or "read" function.

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